Chapter 1: Fairy...Tale?

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"Natsu?....OH! You mean that guy with the pink hair?"


That statement above was quoted two years ago by yours truly. 


Now, we all got into Fairy Tail in our own ways and each have a different story to tell. Some may have viewed fanart and wanted to get with the fandom. Others may have been recommended by fellow Fairy fans. Maybe someone started to watch it because of Todd Haberkorn (Natsu's dub voice actor). Heck! Maybe you saw a GIF of Gray stripping and decided, "MUST. FIND. THIS. ANIME!!!! o///o" ;) (BTW, there's this author who got into the anime that way and SHE IS AWESOME!!)

I'd heard of Fairy Tail before. Just had no clue what the heck it was about. Back when I was into fandoms I'm not so proud of nowadays, I'd view people's profiles and see their list of favorite animes, 'cause literally EVERY SINGLE PROFILE I VIEWED HAPPENED TO BE AN OTAKU. Not that that's a bad thing! XD

And 99.9999% of the time, that list included Fairy Tail. 

I even came across a profile where the picture was Happy. Of course, I didn't know it was Happy.

So now I have this anime just sitting in the back of my mind, not really my priority right now. I know what it is, but I don't know what it is. 

Then in sixth grade, a new student who became a real close friend of mine was watching Fairy Tail on her tablet. I asked her what she was watching. She replied, and I quote, "FAIRY TAIL! I loooove it!"

That rang a bell. And then there I saw it....

The flying, little blue cat from that profile pic. I vividly remembered him. 




Some time later, this girl and her cousin, who's also close to me, (Let's call them Ruby and Fina respectively) made it pretty clear that they were hardcore fans of this series. And they BEGGED, PLEADED, DEMANDED, INVOKED, IMPLORED, URGED, PRESSED, BESIEGED, NAGGED, BESEECHED me...*deep breath* watch it. 

They were so crazy about it, it scared me. And I always put it off and covered it up with a lame excuse.

"Oh, too much homework."

"Oh, I gotta finish this other show first, and it's pr-etty LOOOOONG!"

"Oh, my internet died."

"Oh, I'm grounded."

"Oh, I was watching something super hilarious on my laptop while drinking water and spit it all over it and now it's broken." 

And that last one was a true story.

So often, the four of us, involving me, Ruby and Fina, and another friend who also didn't watch it, would talk and the topic of Fairy Tail would come up. And at this point, I was familiar with two characters. Natsu, a pink-haired fire breather. And Lucy, a blonde girl. I didn't know her talent, but I knew the show was involved with the Zodiac. I also knew that these two were a popular ship.

So one day, my fairies-obsessed friend Fina was upset because her cousin Ruby was supposed to draw her this picture of Natsu for her, but didn't do it yet. Side note: Ruby is very talented at drawing anime characters.

I looked at the image.

My first thought: "OH MAH GAW, HE'S FREAKIN' ADORABLE!!"

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My first thought: "OH MAH GAW, HE'S FREAKIN' ADORABLE!!"

My second thought: " hair suits him really well."

My third thought: "I want to draw him!"

I told Fina that I could draw Natsu for her. So I did, and she loved it so much and told me it came out great. I was happy it pleased her. What I didn't tell her was that I enjoyed drawing him. And that I was drooling over his kawaiiness the entire time. <3

So these frequent discussions of Fairy Tail eventually led up to a bunch of random netsurfs. Fina would show me stuff like...

I thought the cutest from that was either Lisanna or Wendy

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I thought the cutest from that was either Lisanna or Wendy.

And then...eventually I learned who Erza was.

My first thought: "SHE'S GORGEOUS!!!!"

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My first thought: "SHE'S GORGEOUS!!!!"

My second thought: "SHE LOOKS SCARY!!!!"

My third thought: "Okay, I'll admit Fairy Tail has some pretty good-looking characters. I should give it a shot."

I forgot to mention that I have a strange obsession with redheads.....what?

Erza was like an instant fave before even watching the show. And when I soon got into it, I was squealing so hard when she made her debut.

One day, I was surfing through Netflix until fate brought me toooooo.....Fairy Tail. Shocker. 

So I took one look at it, and immediately thought: "OMG!!! THE GUY WITH THE PINK HAIR!!! MUST....WATCH!!!!"

To be completely honest, after holding it off and stalling for so long, and by that I mean like a whole year, I dunno why I was suddenly so eager to watch it at that moment. 

But I guess that one moment was what changed *cough cough* ruined *cough cough* my life. :) Cause now I'm drowning in my love for this series.

Of course, I have my small complaints about it and a fair share of criticism for it but that shall be saved for another chapter.

I haven't been with it as long as most fans. I've only been with it for almost two and a half years, but these days I find myself rewatching old episodes just reliving the thrill and nostalgia of it. But I can't even imagine how that must feel for people who've been with it since Day 1.

Let me know in the comments how YOU got into FT and how long you've stuck with it! 

As always, thanks a bunch for being awesome readers!

SaFire out!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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