Rude reporter

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( 2 weeks later)
Ari pov
While I happily watched Quinn play with her chinchilla named Belle, I got a phone call. The call was from a fresh in the business reporter named Sharona who wanted me to be their first person to interview for a magazine in 3 days. I said yes but then a slight issue came up; no children were allowed in the report room she worked in and Quinn wanted to stay with me or at least in the same area; a few houses down she was ok with but only for a certain amount of time. Sharona asked if I would come to her house and do the interview with her there. Then I could bring Quinn; and if she was comfortable with it interview her as well. I mentioned it to Quinn and I got a smile but no hand flapping; signaling she's a little nervous but as long as I'm there she will try it.

3 days later

Quinn pov

We had an hour drive ahead of us so mommy gave me some things to do on the way as well as play imaginary hide and seek. I had my Rapunzel doll ( as always) a coloring book, some story books, silly putty , and some plastic animals. Mommy actually was gonna sit next to me this time because her mom ( my nona)was coming too and said she would drive. Some of mommy's songs came on the radio as well. When into you came on I said " Mommy sing pretty."

When we arrived mommy came around, unbuckled me, then lifted me up into her arms. We were greeted by another young woman, when we stepped to the door. " Sharona?" I asked. She replied " that's right" but she didn't say it in a sweet tone, she said it in a more irritated tone. Mommy and I brushed it off as she is probably a little tired. She said it didn't matter who was interviewed first. Since I had never done this and i was nervous i said " Mommy first" while twisting my body right to left. Then I added " me watch"

Ariana pov
There was no audience cause this was for a magazine. While we talked she had her phone on record to make sure she didn't miss anything. She asked me about albums, concerts , and activities; but her main focus was on me and Quinn.

A=Ariana S=Sharona

S: what made you decide you wanted to adopt a little girl?

A: well I've been very successful and wanted to share that with someone. I knew there were many kids that needed a family and love

S: Where did you get Quinn?

A: I got her at an all girl orphanage in El Paso Texas called Hope Village

S: I see. What made her stand out to you? She is a cutie pie

A: True and like all the other girls she has a hobby; hers is painting and she is excellent at it. However that's only a small part of why I chose her. She's different. Yes it's mostly cause of her autism but still that is very charming to me.

S: Oh I see. What things does she do differently?

A: Well for example she has her own version of duck duck goose. Instead of saying " duck duck goose" she says " Quack Quack Honk" and we skip around the circle and spin before sitting down.

S: very interesting

( 20 Minutes later the interview with Ari finishes and Sharona begins asking Quinn questions: Q=Quinn)

*ariana tells Sharona to try talking with less words. Then she goes to the living room*

S: So Quinn how old are you?

Q: * holds up 4 fingers*

S: Is Ariana a good mommy ?

Q: yes yes yes * she flaps her arms while saying it. Sharona looks a tad annoyed but continues the interview*

S: Do you like to paint?

Q: yes *still flapping her arms. Sharona is getting even more annoyed*

S: *in an annoyed tone * sweetie could you not flap your arms, it's very distracting.

Q: sorry * she sits on her hands. Ari enters the room hearing the problem *

A: This should help *she takes the Rapunzel doll from her purse and gives it to Quinn; who strokes her hair*

Q: thank you

A few questions later Quinn loses focus and Sharona starts talking with long phrases. So Quinn goes to the corner and spins but knocks down a lamp. Sharona loses her self control and starts shouting at Quinn

S: UGG you clumsy freak!!! Look what you did you are so obnoxious !! * Quinn shakes, then thunder rumbles and lightning flashes; so she runs to a corner and says and does what she usually does when she panics*

Q: Loud bright loud bright


* Quinn sobs harder. Ari and her mom hearing the outburst storms in. Ari has an angry look towards Sharona*

A: Sharona stop it!!

S: Get her out of my house!

A: Gladly! I'm not gonna just let you talk to her like this. I'll be easy this time and not tell about this to anyone except my family. Even though you upset my daughter I don't want you to lose your job; but we are leaving now

S: thank you

*Ariana scoops up Quinn and walks out the door with her mom. *

Ari pov

Now I needed to calm Quinn down

Ari's little girlWhere stories live. Discover now