Kurt x Ram - Gay, forbidden love

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(A/N): This is an AU where only Heather Duke dies.
Anything in bold = Author's note.

~ October 2nd, 1989 ~ DEAR DIARY-

"Why...why would you do this?...YOU LIED TO ME!"

That morning a traumatised Veronica was trembling in fear on her knees next to Heather Duke's corpse with tears endlessly streaming down her face.

The plan was to humiliate Duke through shooting her straight in the neck with 'Ich lüge' *(fake) bullets so she'd come to school as a laughing stock, making the situation look like she tried committing suicide. With the ol' Moby Dick novel by her side of course. (I couldn't think of anything better) But Jason Dean had sneakily used real bullets instead, which killed poor, envious Heather.

"Our love is God, baby." Is all the psychopath could respond with.

The girl was dead now and there's nothing they could do about it. It was time they set the scene and lay down the suicide note.


~ The next day ~


*Insert some parody of 'Me Inside Of Me' here*

~ In the lunch hall ~

"So...Heather Duke's dead..." spoke Kurt quietly.

"Yeah..." softly replied Ram, sitting next to him on their table.
"She was some hot stuff. I would have probably made out with her if I knew she was gonna die the next day."

Kurt's heart suddenly sank when he heard those words coming from his best friend, but didn't know why. However he hid the feeling and pretended to agree.

"Yeah, uh...me too..." He sulked as he took a sip from his water.

"Dude are you alright? You look more down than just a few seconds ago." Asked Ram.

"Uh, yeah, I'm just...upset that Heather's gone, y'know?" He lied.

Kurt had always felt a tiny bit jealous when Ram tried hitting on other women, but he didn't really pay attention to his envy until fairly recently.

"Oh, I didn't know you cared for her that much...but just look how her best friend taking it..."

They both turned their heads to the left and saw a tear-faced Heather McNamara clinging onto a tired Veronica's shoulder crying endlessly. Heather Chandler and Veronica were trying to comfort her and calm her down as much as possible, but nothing seemed to be working. Her face became wetter by the minute

(If you make any kind of sexual joke will slice you)

"Attention? This is an announcement. Due to the tragic suicide of our beloved Heather Duke, school has been cancelled for the day so you are all free to go."

Excited teenage cheers could be heard from all across the room. Except McNamara, she just cried even louder.


~ After the funeral ~


"Hey, gayboys!" Some guy started mocking Kurt and Ram out of spite.

"Call us that one more time, I dare you." Ram angrily murmured whilst standing over the lad; fists clenched and ready to punch his lights out. Kurt hurried over with a light pink blush on his face, attempting to hide it. The nerd wasn't intimidated, he was surprisingly rather confident.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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