Pan and Melanie

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What happened ?

"Melanie, Henry!! I will find you!!!!"

My eyes flash open and I push myself from the ground.


I swivel my head around to see if I could find Neal.....but I couldn't. Maybe it was all in my head. But it sounded like he was here but he's dead. This place is getting to me. I turn my head to the fire circle to see Henry sitting just on the outside of it. I stand up but loose my balance and begin to fall again. Before I hit the ground a pair of arms caught me.

"Are you okay Melanie ????"

I look up to see Pan. He caught me, his eyes showed a flash of concern then it went away.

"Yeah I'm fine."

He helped me to my feet then I pushed away when I was upright.

"Thanks for catching me, when the wind came through camp."

"Your welcome Melanie."

He ran his hand through his hair and shrugged his shoulders. He looked at me and smiled, I was a little shocked because he smiled. I wanted to melt under his smile. I smiled back at him and began fiddling with my necklace.


Why am I smiling at her ? And why did I catch her again ? And why do I feel nervous around her and why do I want to melt at her amazing smile. Her eyes were sparkling like a million sapphires. I was snapped from my thoughts fairly quickly.

"I'm going to go see my brother."

She then walked around me. I turn and see her walking to her little brother. I never really realized how beautiful Melanie is until now. What am I thinking!! I can't fall for her, Peter Pan does not fall in love! I shake myself from my thoughts and walk over to her and Henry.


I sit down on the log next to my brother and look over to him.

"Henry you okay??"

"I thought I heard my dad."

He heard him too, but he's dead. This place is getting to us.

"You think I'm crazy don't ya sis ?"

"Henry I heard him too but I think we heard him because we miss him. We both saw him fall through the portal."

"I know but after he left you ran to Grannies, you left me there."

"Henry I ran to Grannies to get you your favorite hot chocolate with cinnamon on the top. I felt like you needed it."

He then turned and gave me a hug.

"Henry, Melanie. How are you both ? You both were asleep for quite a while."

"Were fine Pan! What do you want ?


Great she's sassy again. But it's cute, no girl that I have ever meet my age has ever been this sassy.

"I want to play a song for you again."

Melanie just rolled her eyes when I said this but she let go of Henry and turned herself towards me, and so did Henry. I held my flute close to my mouth and began to play. I heard all the lost boys jump to their feet to begin dancing. I kept my eyes locked with Melanie when I was playing. I turned my head to Henry when I was half way through the song and saw him tapping his foot. Melanie looked over to him as well and saw this. Then she glared at me. I ignored her and spoke to her brother.

"You can hear the music now can't you Henry."

"Yeah, yeah I can."

"Then go dance and have fun."

I look to Melanie and see the fire light dancing on her face. When ever I look at her I become more and more mesmerized by her. Why is this happening to me ?


I still couldn't hear the "music" Pan was playing but Hen could which concerns me greatly especially since Pan seems happy that he can hear it.

"Can you still not hear it ?"

"I guess so. Why do you want me to hear the music."

I say as I lean forward to Pan. Our faces inches apart. I examined his eyes and I saw pain and longing in his emerald eyes. I want to kiss him sooooo bad. Wait WHAT?!?!?!

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Where stories live. Discover now