
16 2 0

July 1999

"And the prince and princess live happ---".

A knock on the door interrupted me from reading the last part of the story.

"Sweety ???". my mom interrupted me.

"yes mom?". i asked her, not wanting to sound annoyed.

"Maybe you could finish your fairytale later, we'll be going to the Biebers. Be ready in a minute, okay ?".  The Biebers, a close family to ours. my mom's bestfriend Pattie, yeah that's why we're going to the Bieber family, to visit them.

After my mom closed the door, i change my clothes into a purple dress and tie my hair in a ponytail to look presentable. As a Williams, my mom taught me how to dress,eat, and work things out properly, cause I learned that in our family Royalty runs in our blood. But not that kind of royalty you expected in a fairytale, just a highly mannered family who goes down to business.


when we arrived at the Biebers, smiling faces welcomed us. Then i spotted aunt Pattie and she hugged the both of us.

"Rose, what a long time since we've seen each other !". she exclaimed to my mom.

"Yeah, you're right about that. i missed doing our old stuffs". my mom added up.

"Oh look at this wonderful young lady, you're getting prettier since the last time i saw you my dear". aunt pattie said to me.

"Thanks aunt Pattie, you are pretty too."

"Oh come on you're so cute". she said while laughing.

Then i noticed a boy who's glaring at me while his cheeks are flushing. Is that even possible, I didn't even met him before and he already looks angry at me. He looks like a bit older than me and he looks handsome, maybe he's aunt Pattie's son.

"Justin, my boy. come here," she said,

Im right, she's aunt pattie's son. So his name was Justin, how cute. Maybe he's not just in the mood right now that's why he's glaring at me. He walked pass me and sit on the couch across from me beside his mom.

"Justin, why won't you say hello to your aunt Rose and to this lovely little lady here".
she said to justin, and my cheeks flushed because of what she said.

Justin scratch his his head and rolls his eyes. "Ummm hi.." he said while looking down shyly, not wanting to meet my gaze. He's really a moody boy.

"Oh you got a shy one here, pattie. You look handsome Justin, don't be shy". my mom said. While they're talking and praising each other, i turn my gaze into a beautiful artwork with a color of purple near their kitchen. If you look at it closely,you could see the different perspective and angles. It's like when you look at it, you can't help but admire it with all your heart. Just like when you look into someone's eyes deeply, you could see his soul. I was caught off guard and didn't notice that aunt Pattie is saying something while im drawn at the beautiful artwork.

"why don't you talk to this little lady, justin. isn't she pretty, look at her she looks like a barbie, i think you two will be perfect for each other !!!  I can't wait to see you together someday, what do you say Rose ?". aunt pattie said happily while asking my mom's opinion. My cheeks flushed and i quickly look down at my lap shyly.

"Yeah i would love that to happen !". my mom agreed.

"Justin my dear, go play with her for a few minutes to get to know each other. We'll leave you two here downstairs, while me and your aunt Rose will go upstairs because we need to catch up all the years we missed." justin puts a scowl on his face because of what his mother said and he just nodd his head and rolls his eyes. Maybe he doesn't really like me, do i look ugly or something ? am i making him uncomfortable.
When his mom got upstairs, he's sat on a couch across from me while reading a book. I could see that he doesn't wanna talk to me, the way his book was put in front of his face so he could not see my face. How could he read like that, he's so annoying and handsome. i mean wait, What ?.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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