Chapter 1

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Time. A word that is more powerful than what people think. Time is what keeps us moving forward and stops us from going back. Time never sleeps, eats, least that's what I thought. My eyes were focused on the clock in front of the Whole Foods Shop. Every second counts, 5.... 4....3....2....1 GO. My heart jumps as I run into the shop and grab everything I can in before I am noticed.

"THIEF!!" An older woman shouted. It was time for me to make a run for it. This was my daily routine; wait until it is 5 o'clock in the evening and steal food. As I ran outside, the cold of London slapped my face, but I didn't care the adrenaline through my blood is keeping me warm enough. I hear a faint siren in the distance, but I kept running wherever my feet will take me. 'Dang it, they're gaining on me' I hear heavy footsteps and loud voices a few feet away from me. I picked up some speed and turned the corner into an alleyway. I stop to catch my breath and smirk as they pass by me. "Idiots" I whisper under my breath as I collapse onto the ground looking at tonight's goodies as if I was holding two blocks of gold. "Looks like I'll be eating good tonight," I smirked as I plucked off a piece of bread. About to dig into my 'dinner' I hear slow footsteps, multiple footsteps. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I tried to muster up enough confidence in my voice. Black shadows illuminate in the moonlight. Gang members.

He lifted me by my rugged coat, "Whatcha got there, kid? Mind if I take it all?" The other gang members were smirking and chuckling moving in closer on me. With the flick of his thumb, a sharp pocket knife comes out and points it at my throat.


I just needed more time....

I close my eyes, ready to accept that I'm just a runt in the streets. I've never been wanted, needed, or cared for. Yet why do I still live? Snapping out of my thoughts, I felt my body fall to the ground and I groan in pain. I open my eyes and I see a girl holding a brick in the middle of the knocked out men. It was dark, but I was still able to make out some of her features. I stand up, she noticed my movements and walked forward into the moonlight. She stared at me with intense blue eyes as if she's trying to read all the answers to her question on my face. I studied her, she was like a porcelain doll brought to life with her pale white skin, rosy cheeks, small nose, and those ice cold blue eyes. We were quiet for a while, the only thing making noise was the sound of crickets and cars passing by. What felt like hours, I stared into her eyes. There was something about them I was so interested about. She broke the silence between us by dropping the brick on the ground.

She stomped her foot and scolded, "What the heck are you doing in an alleyway?! You have no business to be getting your bum into trouble with gangs! What if it was the police?" She kept rambling on and on that, I tuned her out, but I started to listen again when she said, "You're lucky I was here to save your sorry excuse of a person!"

I leaned against the brick wall behind me and looked down at her and gave her a glare then spat back at her, "It takes one to know one doll." Her expression was not amused by my words.

She folded her arms and said, "Who are you and where are you from? Because clearly, you don't belong here." I thought about what she said, she wasn't wrong I didn't belong anywhere. I only know my name and age, it's all that's left of me. I looked down at my feet, who was I really and why can't I remember? All I've known to do in my life is be a criminal...for survival. "Hey look, I didn't mean to be harsh I-"

"My name is Wade Lancaster." My voice sliced through the air like a knife. I continued, "I don't have a home because I don't belong anywhere. I am a waste of time." With that being said, I left her in the alleyway. She didn't chase after me but only stared at the direction I was going in. Whoever she was, the chances of me seeing her again is never. Why let something be a part of your life when it will only get destroyed and ruined as time passes by. I don't have all of the time in the world in the palm of my hands, no one does and no one will.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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