Toby Dream

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1. I never met the Rogers in real life


2. I feel as if my brain wants me to feel weird about Toby himself

Let me explain by telling you the dream

So I was at the Rogers home. I saw Toby, his Sister, his dead or extremely drunk father, and his mother (who looked like she got ran over). The mother was on a load of drugs, I think, judging from her shitty appearance and her dilated eyes. The sister got me and Toby to get into the car as she drove us home. I saw a truck heading towards us but we avoided it (Did I almost see how Toby's sister's demise came?) and we found a house and stayed. I will explain their appearances, BUT THIS IS WHERE THE DREAM GETS REALLY WEIRD.Toby and I start kissing as if we were a couple. It was at random times, and it completely shocked me. I did have a crush on Toby back then (I do have a small crush on now, not that serious then it was when I was younger). Maybe my brain wanted to show me how the family looked. If it did, why did it make me make out with freakin TOBY?! I don't know. That dream still creeps me out.


Sister (Forgot her name): Extremely tall, looked to be around 6 feet tall. Blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had pale-ish skin. Not as pale as Toby though. She had a blue long sleeved shirt on and jeans. She had earrings on and was absolutely stunning. Looked around the age of 20-25 years old. She had a mix of light brown and dark brown eyes.

Toby: Looked to be a bit under 6 feet, maybe 5 feet 11 inches. Brown fluffy hair that was a bit messy, but it was soft. His skin was extremely soft but pale. His skin was a whitish gray, but it was warm and soft. He had a gray long sleeve shirt, hands covered in bandages. He had on dark blue jeans and boots. He looked around 17-20 years old. Weird fact I remember from the dream (since we were kissing) his lips were soft and warm. You can use that for a fanfic if you like, haha. He had black brownish eyes (like mine). 

Father: I barely saw him, but I do remember a bit of him. He was quite a buff guy. Very hairy and not the most pleasant human I have seen. He had beer spilled on his white shirt (What a mess) and had it dripping from his mouth. He was passed out on the ground (probably drank too much or fell asleep for no god damn reason). He had dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. 

Mother: She looked like your average mother. Bags under the eyes, a weird haircut that reminds you of Helen who hands out lemon squares that taste like shit at church. But her eyes were dilated and she was acting strange, possibly from drugs. She had a gray baggy shirt and blue jeans on. One earring was in her ear. She looked around 30-50 years old. 

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