3) How to kill a quartz

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NOTE- Decided to add a waring about swearing. Ah, so short X(

===Y/G/N pov===

Well, I guess being in Blue Diamond court wont be that bad. I thought as I , and plenty of other gem were be escorted into a large ship. I decided to looked back and get a last glance at my old home. I must of stopped walking because I felt someone run into me.

 I turned around and told the gem that I was very sorry but they just looked at me and their angry expression that was on her face faded and quickly walked around me.

" Get moving!" I heard a voice. It  seemed to be low, but threating. I turned around to see a Quartz,  A lemon Quartz.  

" Well, are you dumb? get moving you defective gem." The quartz said, flashing a threating smile towards me. I didn't move because I was still staring at this gem. I was feeling bit angry at this quartz for calling me "Defective" 

" I am neither." I simply replied. I looked up at the quartz, not breaking eye contact with her. I wasn't going to let here push me around. 

By looking at her,  I was guessing this quartz was someone special because the way she was dressed. She wore a basic standard suit, but she wore also a long cape that draped over her shoulders. She also wore the gem insignia, a yellow diamond on her chest.

" Are you sure?" The quartz replied, summoning a whip from her gem. I broke eye contact and stepped back, my eyes widen bit. I quickly began to look around at the other gems walking towards the ship. 

w-why isn't anyone caring about this, Did anybody care anymore?

Without a warning I felt something hit my face, quite hard. I took another step back as I  heard that damn quartz laugh.

 " I suggest you keep moving or do I have to continue?"

I began to move again, ignoring the pain on my cheek.  I only began to walk again not because I was scared, because I was angry at this quartz. I wanted to do nothing more than make her suffer.

" Heh, that's a good girl. I'll give you a treat when we get on the ship.."

That was it. I wasn't going to let her treat me like a damn animal. Without fully thinking, I ran at at the Lemon Quartz and push her as hard as I could. I guess as the old saying goes, " The bigger they are, the harder they fall." was correct because I seen the stumble back, the shock on her face was frighten me as she continues to stumble right off the nears cliff. 

" Oh shit." That all I could say as I quickly ran up to the cliff. I couldn't see that quartz anymore as I looked down. " Oh god, w-what have I done..." 

Suddenly, I felt roughly someone grab my shoulder and thrust a object in my stomach. I glanced to realized someone had stabbed me with a weapon.

" I got her, help me restrain this gem!" The gem behind me yelled as they pulled me away from the cliff. It wasn't long after that after that I poofed and everything went dark.

It wasn't long before I woke up from my regeneration.  As I floated down on the ground, I decided  to look around and find out where I was. By the looks of it, I was in a cell.  The room was tiny, it was very dark and the only light in the room was  from the forcefield that seemed to give off a faint green glow.

" Heh, you're finally up." I blinked,  realized that someone is standing just beyond the forcefield. I slowly walked up to it to see an yellow gem. It took me few minutes to realized it was clearly a Zircon.

" So it was you that cause the shattering of that Lemon Quartz?." I watched the yellow gem as she points towards my direction, " I was thinking the gem was, more bigger."

" And you are? " I already didn't like this gem. She seemed like the smug bitch that everyone hated.

She flashed a smile at me, " I am Yellow Zircon. I am the gem that will be against you in the trial that will be ahead in few months."

"Trial? " I felt stupid, why were they holding a trial for this? I shattered a Quartz soldier.

" Sadly, we have to give every gem a free chance to clear their name. So, you're going to be put on trial. " She was still smiling me as she said that, the nerve.

"If there wasn't a barrier between us, I woul-" I was cut off by her laughing. I watched her as she she leaned even closer.

"I suggest you behave. You don't want to get into trouble, do you?"  

I bit my lip and turned away from this bitch. I hated her and I justed wanted her to leave me alone. 

I heard her chuckle, " I'll leave you alone, for now. I'll be seeing you in two days when you meet your attorney. "

I didn't reply, all I wanted to be left alone. I listen and I heard the soft clicking of Yellow Zicon walking away, thank god.

[On trial ] Blue Zircon X clumsy Gem(fem)Where stories live. Discover now