4) Meeting your attorney

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These days only felt like hours in the tiny grey-blue cell that only seemed to be illuminated by a green force field. I became dazed and lost waiting for whatever will happen next.

Suddenly,I heard the voices of quartz soldier, yelling at me to get up from the corner I was sitting in. I guessed it was a quartz because the voice was very deep

 I listen and walked over to the forcefield door. by getting a better look, I was right. The gemjust outside was a quartz, a Blue Quartz.

" When I open this door, if  you run you will be poofed. If you try to attacked me, you will be poofed, got it?" The Blue Quartz warned, her eyes watching my figure in the dark.  After I nodded towards her, she opened the door. I step out and watch a surprised look creep on her face.

" Are you the the one who shattered that Lemon Quartz? " She mummers, still having a surprise look on her face. 

" I guess..."  is all I managed to mumble out. What could I say? I honestly didn't even know what truly happen that day. I knew I didn't look like a gem the could shatter a gem, couldn't she be little more nicer?

" W-well, I was informed that you could be a potential threat so you must wear these hand cuffs..." She pulls out these hand cuffs from her gem and I hold out my hands. She puts them on and begins to inform me again about the rules again as she begins to escort me to what I believe to my attorney for the trial.

" I am still confused that you could shatter that gem. She was a very high ranking gem, she even had a pearl! "She exclaimed out loud. I found it weird, besides the fact that I didn't really want to talk about it. I guess she finally caught on and sighed. 

" Sorry, I'm just really curious." She looks down at the ground.

" It's fine. Let's just say I just go caught up into some trouble."

After a few more minutes  of walking we came to a door was seemly has a intercom beside it. I watched as the Blue Quartz put her large finger hovering over a button, however she doesn't press it and instead turns to me.

"  I know you don't want to talk but, you're from Pink Diamond court, right? You must of forgot   to change your insignia." 

I stare and her and look at my chest and there it was, Pink Diamond  insignia right on my chest. I groan and I feel my face flush of embarrassment,." Damn, I forgot."  I mumble while trying my best to cover my face. Of course, the handcuffs preventing me to do so.

" It's okay." She says between a small smile while pressing the button. After few awkward minutes with a loud buzzy noise, finally some answers the door.

The gem that answer was clearly another Zircon, it was a blue one. She looked towards me and after few minutes, she nodded towards me.

" Hello, Blue Quartz. I am guess this is the gem that shatter that Lemon Quartz?" the zircon says, while still looking at me. She definitely looked a lot more formal than Pink Zircon. She didn't act as wild and seemed very into her work.

" Yeah, this is the gem." Blue Quartz replies, while rubbling the back of her head, " Hey, Y/G/N. I will be coming back in two hours to escort back to your cell alright?"

" Alright. " I said.  I got bit distracted and watched the Blue Quartz walk down the hall but was snapped back into reality by a clapping and "Ahem" by the Zircon beside me.

" We don't have all day, Y/G/N." She says, while beckoning me to go to the room.

After entering the room I quietly sat down in a chair in front of a tiny, blue desk. She sits down in the desk's chair and begins to tell me who she is and how everything will go down.

 I was in awe while listening to her speak. She seemed so smart and she seemed to enjoy doing her work. She seemed to be on edge around me, at first but quickly warmed up to me. That when I hear the door open again and hear a familiar voice that I didn't want to hear.

" Hey, Blue Zircon."  I knew that voice that's Yellow Zircon. I frown and look down stare at my hand.

" Well, well, well. " I tense up as I hear her walk up towards me. Then, I feel  her pet the top of my hair. I quickly get up off the chair and glare up at her. To my surprise, she begins to laugh at me.

  " Ugh, don't you have anything better to do?" I hear Blue Zircon say. She seems slight nervous and she begins to rub her hands together, " You're so annoying. "

" Ah, you being jumpy gem today. "She smiles then turns to Blue Zircon. " Hey, I am your best rival, I suggest you don't take that for granite." She winks at Blue Zircon.

Is this seriously happening? I thought today would be normal but no, I am listen to some yellow gem making rock puns and seeming to be such a flirtatious gem.

" Please, can you go. I am very busy and only have a hour and half with my client and we still got to talk about plenty of things."  Blue Zircon says. Her voice very quietly and slightly wavering bit.

" Whatever keep your rock not tumble, dear." She laughs bit while walking backwards towards the door, she begins to wave. 

 After Yellow Zircon leaves, there was a awkward silence in the room. Unconscious, I begin to mumble something.

" A-are you two together?" I quickly turn to the gem that seemed to be very flustered.

" Oh my stars, No." She covers her her face. " Yellow is such a flirt, but has no interest in relationships like that." She quickly looks back up to me, her voice back to being serious tone.

 " Besides, things like that is forbidden." 

" Oh." Is all I manage to reply before she begins to steer back our conversion about the trial.

A/N- I am bit sick, hope the quality isn't that bad.

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