New Team, New Jerseys

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"Ta Da!" Tibbles said, in the most dramatic voice may I add, as he ripped the blanket off of the giant box of Wheaties. We all ooh'd and aww'd staring at our own faces on the box.

"Hey, Y'all, that's us!" Dwayne said a little late.

"Duh, whatta ya know?" Fulton said. I smacked him on the head for that comment. Fulton glared at me but started laughing when I glared back. "You know for being so short you're pretty feisty."

"Today, it's a Wheaties box. Tomorrow, it's Video Games, Action Figures, Lunch Boxes. The sky is the limit. Now, just to make sure that everybody knows who you are, try on one of these." He says before showing us an amazing red, white, and blue jersey with U.S.A. printed on the front. "Brought to you by those wonderful people at Hendrix. For all your hockey needs" He then throws Fulton his jersey.

"That's nice, coach, but we're ducks. This stuff says Hendrix all over it." Charlie says to coach. And I understand why he's upset it says nothing on the jersey about us being ducks. 

"Well, yeah, they're our sponsors, Charlie." Coach says back.

"So what? Can't we be U.S.A. Ducks?" I ask.

"Or at least keep our own colors?" Charlie also asks.

"It's business stuff, Charlie, Jodie, don't worry about it." He says as he walks off. 

"This is so stupid! You'd think there would be something that would symbolize we were ducks." I complained to my twin. 

"It's business stuff, don't worry about it." He mocked coach. "When is he gonna realize this isn't just a business?" 

"I don't know, Charlie, I don't know." I say as I lay my head on his shoulder.


"Ancient Greece was the beginning of Western Civilization. See, in Greece, they didn't have professional sports... or Wheaties boxes. So the athletes competed for another reason. Anybody?" She asked the class and my hand immediately shot up. I've always loved ancient Greece.

"Falafels?" Goldberg blurts out. Everybody laughs and makes fun of his comment.

"The twins?" She asked Charlie and I.

"Pride." We answered together.

"That's right. The various city-states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly." She answered.

"Did America always dominate?" Fulton asked.

"No. America wasn't around back then. Don't forget that compared to other countries, America is still young, still forming its own identity. America is a teenager just like you." That was one of the best answers I have heard yet.

"Like us?" Jesse asked.

"You bet. A little awkward at times," I looked at Adam, there were many times I was awkward around him. Especially when I met his parents for the first time as a couple. Sure I had seen his father around at some games, but I had never seen his mother before. And let me tell you, I now know where Adam gets his good looks. "But always right there on the verge of greatness." And that was how she finished off the lesson, with those kind words of encouragement we were sent off to coach ready to go to California.

A/N: Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in like a year. And I am so very sorry for that. I just lost my determination to write this story, but I think it's back now and for good. I hope you enjoy this part and I should hopefully update sometime soon.

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