We Need to Talk

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Being with Adam had always felt like a wonderful thing, so just being in his presence made me excited and also gave me the jitters. That's why walking with him and holding his hand in this moment made me feel the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. That is until my idiot brother showed up.

"Jodie, Adam!" We stopped and turned around.

"What do you want, Charlie? We were about to go out for ice cream and have a romantic date night." I all but whined.

"I have a great idea, but I'm not sure if I should bring it up to coach or not." He proceeds to just stand there.

"Well... get on with it. I have places to be, lips to be kissed." I say as I wink over at Adam. He pulls me closer and places a kiss on my neck. That'll be sure to make him talk faster. 

"First of all, gross. Second of all, I think we should recruit Russ Tyler." He looks at me, waiting for an answer. I motion for him to explain, which he understands with our 'twin telepathy'. "Russ could bring a new perspective to the team, he's somebody who has been watching this entire tournament, but hasn't been a player. Also, he has his amazing 'knuckle puck' which could really come in handy against some of the bigger teams." I looked over at Adam. Charlie did have a point and with Adam being injured there was a new roster spot open.

"I think it's a great idea, especially coming from you, I think coach would love it. Now as you bring that up to him, We," I start to tug Adam away from Charlie. "Are going to get ice cream and make out for a good half an hour. See you at warm-ups." All I hear as Adam and I walk away is Charlie retching in the background. Why do I love to torture my brother, you ask? Because I've had to live with him my entire life and that is torture enough, I'm just paying him back.


After a great game against Russia-- which resulted not only in us winning 3-1, but also showcased Russ's 'knuckle puck'-- we got to meet Wayne Gretzky! Like how cool is that, just some simple kids from Minnesota-- and some other various places-- got to meet the great Wayne Gretzky. I may or may not have freaked out a little-- okay it was a lot.

"Adam, Wayne Gretzky just shook my hand!" I practically screamed to him. It was a little bit overkill as he was standing right next to me. After we took an amazing picture with him, I went up to the photographer.

"Can I get a copy of that? Preferably in color." I asked her.

"Honey, I won't need to get you a copy, it'll be all over the papers." I just about shrieked then and there. I ran over to Adam, who was talking to Charlie and Guy.

"Adam! Adam! Adam!" He held up a finger to tell me to wait a minute, but I was too impatient to care. "Babe...babe...baby." I whined. Yes I seemed very clingy right now but did I care? Not one bit. "Fine, I'll just go talk to my girls." I huffed as I eventually gave up. I wonder what they were talking about that seemed so important. "Hey girls, what are the boys talking about that makes Adam more interested in it than he is in me? Not to sound conceited or anything, but he worships me. Wow that came out a lot more conceited than it should have. Somebody please stop me, cause I'm gonna keep rambling until someone tells me what is wrong." Julie finally cut me off.

"I think they are talking about Connie and Guy's little problem." She says looking at Connie, who instantly thinks the floor is more interesting than this conversation.

"What little problem, Connie?" I ask her, hoping she'll look up from her sorrow.

"Guy and I had another fight. I don't want to talk about it right now in front of all these people." She says looking around at all the reporters and photographers in the room.

"Then let's have another Girl's Night. We can have some hot cocoa, eat some junk food, and talk about all of this then." I look to the girls and they nod. "But first, let me go say good-bye to the men in my life." I walk over to Charlie and hug him from behind. "Goodnight Chuck, see you in the morning." Moving over to Adam, I hear Charlie whisper 'goodnight'. I walk up to Adam and kiss him on the cheek. "Goodnight, babe, I love you." I start to walk away but am pulled back to Adam, who has successfully detached himself from the conversation.

"I'm sorry, babe, we were just having a deep talk. What did you want to tell me?" Now I feel bad for bugging him earlier, I definitely need to give him space when he's talking to his boys, just like he gives me space to talk to my girls.

"Just that we were gonna be all over the papers. It's not that important, now that I think about it. I should've just given you spaced to be with your boys."

"Jodie, baby, it's fine. I like being coddled by you."

"Well, good, I'll just be sure to give you some more space now. I'm gonna head back to the room with the girls, we have some catching up to do, which I'm sure you boys are gonna do the same thing." I give him another kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, I love you." I look into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you too, Jodie."

A/N: Well guys, I'm back. I just got moved into college and hope I can keep updated on this story. I know I say this a lot, but I am really going to try. Wish me luck on my classes and golf tournaments this next week. Lots of Love -Charley 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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