bigger family

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Ross's POV

"So what's the next step?" she whispers in my ear caressing her figers tips all over my exposed chest.

"What do you mean by next step?" I ask and she smiles at me.

"We're engaged" she giggles showing me her ring and I take her hand and kiss it " what's next for us?You know besides marrige"

"Babies" I chuchkle and she jumpes off of me and throws me a pillow square on the face gasping.

I laugh and throw one back.

"What? You're gonna act all innocent now when last night you were literally acting like a sex goddness" I say and she gasps again about to get another pillow but I grab her waist and snuggle her to me while she laughs and we start a fight with each other laughing like we're 2.

Suddenly I felt the door open.

"Oh hey guys mom told me to check up on you since you didn't come back last night. Guess y'all are still alive " we see Rocky shrug while he stands at the door step wish a smug smile.

"AHHHHH" me and Laura scream at the same time positioning ourselves on the bed.

"Yeah yeah" he waves us of.

"ROCKY! DUDE WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream at him.

"Good morning to you too Ross"

"GET THE FUCK AWAY!" I throw a pillow at him and he closes the door laughing.

I swear to god these people are not normal.

I look at Laura with wide eyes and she looks at me equally confused.

After a few seconds of us just staring we burst out laughing like idiots falling down on the bed.

"I'm so sorry" I laugh squealing as she layes on top of me taking my head in her hands and kissing me.

"You're so cute" she giggles and I smile brushing our noses together which makes her giggle more. My favourite sound.

"Moving out" I say kissing her nose.


"Moving out. That's the answer to your question earlier. What'd you think of it?" I ask smiling at her.

She smiles at me nodding her head like it's about to fall off and I laugh kissing her again.

"Oh wait I got an idea!" she broke the kiss and i slightly glared making her giggle.

"Do you have like a paper and a pen?" she asked looking around the hotel room.

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I have lyrics. I just have to write it" she says looking in the bag she had with her last night.

"You can write it on my phone" I suggest.

"It's not the sameeee" she cutely whines while still looking and I roll my eyes.

"OH PERFECT!" she screams holding her songbook and I laugh

"You keep that in your bag?!"

"Yes of course you never know when you can come up with some some good lyrics" she winks and takes the book plopping back next to me.

I hug her waist and peck her neck as I look at what she's writing.

[Verse 1]

I woke up with a fear this morning
But I can taste you on the tip of my tongue
Alone without no warning
You're by my side and we've got smoke in our lungs

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