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Ross's POV :

"It has one master bedroom, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room, 4 separate rooms, a huge backyard and to top it all off a pool! He said it was huge and modern but homey and it comes with some of the living room furnitue as well as the kitchen AND it's on offer for 20% off! You'd be crazy NOT to take it" Rydel said as she sat on the couch with Travor alongside Ellington and separate from me and Laura.

2 months into the whole being a mother thing and even though she was busy and exhusted, she still did look for good deals on houses and so far she's suggest us 5.

"Well that looks like a really good deal. Now what's the catch?" Laura said as she looked at Rydel.

She sighted "It's a little far from all our houses. It's not much of a big distance we're talking about but maybe like half an hour or one hour in the car and you'll have to make the house baby-safe yourselves"

I nodded " I can deal with that but what about from the studio? The beach? "

"And we don't have a baby" Laura butted in.

"They said it was close to the studio and I'm not sure about the beach thing but they did say it was within walking distance and you're going to have a baby one day Laura" she shrugged and Travor whimpered "Shh" she whispered as she rubbed his head while he kept drinking.

I smile " I like this one" Laura nods.

"Well we don't have much to do today besides the usual writing of songs so why don't we go check them out today?" Laura looks at me.

"Sure" I agree.

"Phone numbers?" Laura asks and Ell slipped her a small paper and she smiled.

"Alright we got 5 houses to visit today! Woo hoo" she jumped like a kid and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways is Vannesa and Riker still asking you to babysit at theirs friday night? " Ellington asks and we nod.

"Aw man" he pouts and we chuckle. Vanessa & Riker and Rydel & Ell have a constant competition at taking me and Laur to babysit since we're apperantly the only ones not busy enough and won't complain cuz we both love kids. Shucks.

I mean Rocky or Ryland could help but Ry prefers to eat popcorn on Friday nights snuggling with Vader (his new puppy) while holding a frame with a picture of him and his girlfirend and HER puppy (that is actually Vader's girlfriend )  since they're in a long distance for now and Rocky is just Rocky. He won't do it.They're ridiculous.

Point is he's not helping and me and Laur have been puked on PLENTY. That to the point that we don't even gag at it anymore. We're totally used to it.

For now we're trying to find a house and we're planning to get a place before we marry because I'd like to have somewhere to come back to after the honeymoon.

As for the wedding planning? Absolutely haven't talked about It yet since all the attention has been on the new babies of the family: Travos Jordan Ratiff and Amber Macy Lynch.

"Ok well want to get some starbucks before we start looking?"

"Sure" she shrugged and we dismissed ourselves from the small family as we got on my car and I starter the engine.

After a few minutes of just driving we made it to starbucks. Finally! I need my morning coffee.

"I'll wait for you down there" Laur pointed to a table and I nodded as waited on the line to order.

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