New Boy

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Yelena's weekend was even better. She finally completed her Biology project which was due on Wednesday, she finished a book she had been reading for the past 3 months by her favourite author Sophie Kinsella, she videochatted with her mother who was in Paris for a business and she and Ludmilla spent their Sunday watching rom-coms and dancing to Taylor Swift's songs in their pjs.

Now it was Monday and Yelena was not at all pleased. She wore a long grey dress, her white converse sneakers again and her hair was in a messy bun. She had a sore headache and she felt like a living corpse. She spoke slow, acted slow and drove even slower.

"Hurry up, I'll be late, sis!"
"Chill dude. We'll get there."
They were both in Yelena's car and she was giving Ludmilla a ride to school, but Ludmilla highly doubted that they would get there.

Eventually they both arrived and then Yelena saw that she wasn't the only one in Monday blues. Christina overdid her make-up to hide a hangover, Thad seemed dizzy, Reggie wore shades to hie his red eyes and Zoë had an elbow injury.
"Hey guys."
The vibe between them was definitely different, they all seemed to be feeling each other's pain.
"Hi Yelena."
"Sarah, what happened to your voice?!"
"We went to an unplanned party and we seemed to have gotten more than we bargained for."
"Yeh. I drank too much, Thad hit his head against a bottle of whiskey, Sarah was screaming all night and I don't even know what happened to Zoë", Christina broke in.
"That's why y'all look so trashed."
"Ok, then let's go."

The bell rang and now it was time for them to face their reality, school.
As they walked into the classroom neither of them noticed that the teacher was missing. They were all too messed up to care about their bitter English teacher.
"Where's Mrs. Iebenberg?", George asked.
"I saw here walk into the main office", Emily chirped back while applying more mascara. Yelena was to jagged to even criticize her. Then Mrs. Iebenberg walked in with a peculiar figure next to her. He had brown eyes, brown hair and a built body. He was wearing black jeans, a grey shirt and black boots.

"Everyone, this is Rafael Ortiz. Our new student and your new classmate from..."
"...Mexico!", George broke in excitedly.
"No! Michigan."
The class laughed making George turn red from embarrassment.
"Quiet!! Anyway Rafael..." He looked at her, which displayed his sexy jawline. "...stay away from the stupid ones in the class..." everyone looked at George "...and make friends with the good ones, like Ms. Worthington. Actually, how about you sit next to her. Ask her anything and you shall receive. Trust her."
He looked around the class trying to identify until Yelena raised her graceful hand.
"Our junior secretary", Mrs. Iebenberg said proudly.
"Yes mam", he spoke in a crisp bass.

He went and sat next to her, but when she looked at him, he shivered. Her emerald eyes were throwing daggers at him. He really loved to look at her, and he made it so obvious. He spent the whole period staring at her and she finally wrote him a note because she was getting annoyed at his stares.

Wat r u lookin at?

He read it and he chuckled a little.
"Anything funny about this topic, Mr. Ortiz?", Mrs. Iebenberg broke his laughter. And got everyone's attention.
"No mam. Just lost in my thoughts."
"Hope those thoughts are about Shakespeare's Macbeth."
"Mmhm," he hummed back calmly.

How can u expect me not to stare when u r this beautiful?

She giggled, revealing a whole set of perfectly white teeth to him. He was flirting and she really didn't mind it. It made her feel better.

Do u always say that to girls?

No. Just the ones that catch my eye.

I am not ur type.

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