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Days after the funeral everyone started to leave.
Svetlana and Hans left their daughter in America and went back to Russia to hold a service for Sasha.

Sven and Lillie stayed a while longer and Ludmilla was better than before. Her crying toned down and her smile came back.

The doorbell rang and Daphne answered it.
"Come in. Please."
A man walked into the house. Tall and built with a friendly face and the most luxurious blonde hair. He walked a type of sway and a big briefcase in his right.

"Hi. I'm George Pillman. Sasha's laywer. I came here to discuss her estate and will."
"Of course sit please."
He sat next to Sven and Yelena sat opposite him.

"I have here with me a few documents and letters that explain everything and this is her will."
He pulled out a brown envelope from his briefcase and opened it.
He read it to himself and the room was dead still. He then looked up from the paper and spoke so gently.
"Sasha had struggled very hard to decide who will keep what from her estate but with my help we finally decided."

He kept talking about legalities and the will being renewed several times. The room was quiet, waiting to hear what was in the will.

"Well the moment I can tell you've been waiting for..."
He cleared his throat and started to speak. Everyone in the room paid attention, some more than others.

"50% of her personal assets go to Ms. Ludmilla Marvovsky Worthington. The other half goes to Ms. Yelena Marvovsky Worthington. Her car and house goes to Mr. Sven Marvovsky Worthington and finally Sasha's flourishing business goes 15% to Mr. Vladimir Marvovsky Worthington, 75% to Ms. Yelena Marvovsky Worthington and 10% to Mr. Charles Worthington."
The room stood still and shocked and Yelena felt a burning sensation in her heart. Anger.

"Ms. Is there a problem?"
"Who's name did you just say?"
"Ah. You must be Yelena! Well, I came prepared for you. Your mother wrote you a letter explaining why her will is of such. Actually, she wrote a letter for everyone of you."
He took out a bundle of white letters and picked one up. One had Yelena's name on it and he handed it to her.
"I really don't know why you are so upset when you have her whole business!"
Yelena yelled so loud and George's smile disappeared from his face. He was scared to say anything more, but he had to because he wasn't done.

"I, uhm...I am not done."
"Go on."
"Now that Sasha isn't with us anymore, Yelena and Ludmilla will unfortunately be taken care of by...Mr. Charles Worthington."

Everyone in the room looked at Yelena and she looked emotionless. Her heart skipped a beat, her face went pale, her skin went cold and her anger immediately turned into despair. She wasn't fuming anymore, she was crying.
Vladimir took a chance and tried to console her, but she looked at him and he froze.
She was broken, not weak.

"Excuse me."
She stormed out of the room and went straight to her room. She cried non-stop until she fell asleep.

Yelena woke up and checked the time on her phone.
She slept for so long. She sat up on her bed and looked around. Then got up to shower but felt something underneath her feet. She looked down and saw the letter. She opened it and read it to herself painfully.

Dear Yelena.

You must be so heartbroken. I have left you behind and now you must think that I never loved you. But I really do. More than you can you. That's why I have left you with my company. You are so smart, assertive and you are perfect for the business. It's just right for you. I could have given it to Vladimir, but he would have neglected, Sven would've made it bankrupt and Ludmilla is more of an artist than a CEO.
It is just for you, dearest. I have also given Charles a share in it. Not because I want to make you feel bad, but because he is really good with accounting. He will gladly take his place and I beg you to please be nice.
My final wish for you is to be the mother that I had failed to be.

Love each other, respect each other, cherish each other, trust each other and most importantly take care of each other.

Be my little princess and stay happy and humble.

I love you

Yelena broke down and cried on the floor. She felt so alone and broken. Her mother was gone, not to Milan or Saõ Paulo, she was gone for good. Never to be seen again.

Yelena walked into the shower and felt herself go numb.
She dressed in black jeans and a black tank top with her black pumps. She left her hair go loose and she walked downstairs.
Everyone was cleaning up after dinner.

"Yelena. We ate without you but we did leave some for you."
Yelena kissed Ludmilla's cheek and grabbed her coat without saying a word. She was so cold to everyone, her presence was like the a North pole summer.

"Hi. Are you feeling better?"
"I need you."
"Come in."
Yelena walked into Rafael's house and saw his parents siting on their couch hand in hand.
"Yelena, these are my parents, Sofia and Xavier Ortiz. Mama, pa this is Yelena. My girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?" Xavier asked in shock.
"Nice to meet you Helena."
Yelena laughed and Rafael struggled to keep a straight face.
"Mama. Yelena. Not Helena."
"Yes. It's Russian."
"'s cute."
"Thank you."

Rafael pulled Yelena up the stairs and they walked into his room. It had posters of cars and his bed was not made. His laundry made a sort of mountain near his bedstand and his table seemed to have everything on it.
"Sorry about the mess."
"Your forgiven!"
He laughed and pulled her closer to him.
"How are you doing?"
"My dad did it again. He wormed himself back into our lives, again."
"He has a share in my company and now he has full custody of us."
"Your company?
Yelena pulled the letter out her back pocket and gave it to him.

He read it slowly and she looked around his room. It was a real mess.

"How much do you have in the business?"
"But it's not mine until I graduate."
"That's in a few months. What about college?"
"It's training for a few months then back to work. No college for me."
She sat next to him and felt the bed was too bouncy.

"A water bed!!"
"Yes. Problem?"
She pushed him down and climbed on top of him.
"It's very bouncy."
"How I like it."
He kissed her and walked into the bathroom.

"Honey it's me."
Yelena opened the door and saw Sofia standing with a box of pizza and a pack of ginger beer.
"Thank you, Mrs. Ortiz."
"Please. Sofia, ok."
Yelena took the box and ginger beer and put it on the bed.
Rafael walked out of of the bathroom and saw the food.
"My mom?"
"Hold up. Don't eat yet..."
He walked over to the pizza and took a hugh slice.
"...gentlemen first."
She took the rest of the box and he pulled a pouty face.
"I haven't eaten since I buried my mom."
"The rest is mine!"
Yelena's eyes popped as she said it and he laughed so hard.

They finished eating and sat on his bed watching a movie on Netflix.
"I can't go back home."
"Because he'll come to fetch is and take us with him to London."
"I want to stay here."
He pointed at his bed and she giggled.
"No here, in Chicago."
"Then don't go."
"I won't."

He pulled her closer to him and kissed her lips. She kissed him back and started to pull his shirt up.
He kissed her neck and she moaned at his touch.
"Don't go."
"I'll never leave you."
He climbed on top of her and started to pull up her shirt. She pulled her jeans down and unbuckled his belt.
They were both left in their underwear. Kissing and touching and moaning in unison.

He unstrapped her bra and her delicate breasts were revealed. He pulled his boxers down and pulled her panties off.

They layed there still, face to face and ready for anything.

"Are you sure?"
"You sound like a timid vigin."
"I am."
"Me too."
He kissed her and pulled her onto him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt his tip near her. He pushed into her and she moaned silently.

Thrusting her with his organ, he kissed her neck and she pulled on his hair. Their moans and groans went on silently for a while before he let go of her and rested in between her breasts.
He had made love to her. Passionate love and she too had loved him just the same.

"I love you."
"I love you too."
They slept there, in his water bed. Body to body, skin to skin.
She felt so alive and happy. Hearing him breathe made her sleepy and he held on to her like never before.

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