Black Veil Brides(BVB)

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"I encourage ALL of you to find strength within yourself,NO MATTER WHAT. Be proud of who you ARE and NEVER let ANYONE OR ANYTHING take that away from YOU. Inner Strength is something we are ALL born with. However, I've learned that it requires patience and perseverance to FULLY achieve it. I promise you,though,that as long as YOU know in YOUR HEART who YOU are and what YOU want from this world,NOTHING is gonna stop YOU."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Stand up for what YOU believe in, even if that means standing alone."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Be who YOU want to be and DON'T CARE about what OTHERS think."-Andy Sixx,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"When people hurt you over and over,think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit,but in the end YOU end up POLISHED and they end up USELESS."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"I Believe that we all fall down sometimes..."Lost It All,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Never give in,never back down."-Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"I had a goal, I had a dream,

and at the end of the day

no matter what people say to you,

as long as you know who

you are as a person

Nothing else

in the world

matters."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"There's absolutely NO ONE in THE WORLD that can tell you you CAN'T do SOMETHING. You're the ONLY PERSON that can set that limitation."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"People may hate you for being DIFFERENT and not living by society's standards, but DEEP down, they WISH they had the courage to do the same."-Ashley Purdy,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Rock and Roll is about having a GOOD time, so NO MATTER where YOU are right now, BLAST some music and FORGET about life's problems. WE'RE NOT HERE TO PLEASE THE IGNORANT."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"To me you're fortunate to have the love or adoration of even ONE person. There are so many people in this world who don't have ANY love from ANYONE at all."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Create your OWN REALITY, Become your OWN ROCKSTAR,Find YOUR PASSION, and WE will be here EVERY STEP of the way with YOU."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Let Love be your Perfect Weapon."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Believe NONE of what YOU hear...and even LESS of what YOU see...this is what we'll be."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"LOVE is a power greater than DEATH, just like the songs and stories told."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"And DEATH climbs up the steps one by one. LIVE before YOU DIE."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"If you make your life INTERESTING and FOLLOW your DREAMS,you DON'T need FALSE HAPPINESS and LOVE in the form of DRUGS."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

'Please remember that even in your darkest moments you still have the choice to focus your energy on the positive and create a better life.'-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB) *Tweet*

"ALWAYS stay strong on who YOU are and BELIEVE in yourself."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Life is about ALWAYS being TRUE to who YOU are or what YOU BELIEVE."-Andy Sixx,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"As we grow up, we learn that even the person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it gets harder every time. You'll break hearts too,so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast,and you'll eventually lose someone you love.

So take too many pictures,laugh too much and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is one minute of happiness you'll never get back."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"There is no one in THE WORLD that is more appreciative of our fan base than we are, because we know how many of you motherf*ckers give them sh*t every single day for liking this band. I'm f*cking proud of you for standing your ground and listening to what you wanna f*cking listen to,okay."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Follow YOUR HEART and CHASE YOUR DREAMS until YOU CATCH them. Negative people who say you CAN'T do something are only SPEAKING FOR THEMSELVES."-Jake Pitts,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"There are SO MANY people out there who will tell YOU that YOU CAN'T,what YOU'VE got to do is TURN AROUND and say "WATCH ME!" "-Ashley Purdy,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Suicide isn't cowardly. I'll tell you what's cowardly;treating someone so badly that they would want to END their LIVES."-Ashley Purdy,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Being called WEIRD is like being called LIMITED EDITION. Meaning you're something PEOPLE DON'T SEE that often. REMEMBER that."-Ashley Purdy,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"No matter HOW MUCH you've WORKED so hard to be as SUCCESSFUL as YOU are, there will ALWAYS be those IGNORANT HATERS who DON'T UNDERSTAND."Jinxx,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"There is definitely a message we want to get out,and that is INNER-STRENGTH and UNITY. We have the Black Veil Brides Army and WE ARE ALL HERE FOR ONE ANOTHER."-Christian Coma(CC),Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Words can mean NOTHNG or be DAGGERS in SOMEONE'S HEART,CHOOSE them WISELY."-Christian Coma(CC),Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"You CAN'T change how PEOPLE TREAT YOU. Or what THEY say ABOUT YOU.All YOU can DO is CHANGE how YOU react to it."-Ashley Purdy,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"TRY and BE STRONG,but MOST IMPORTANTLY, LOVE YOURSELF,DESPITE what ANYONE else SAYS or THINKS. Take PRIDE in who YOU are...It's YOUR LIFE,it can be ANYTHING you WANT."-Ashley Purdy,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"Be PROUD of who YOU are,show YOUR scars and LAUGH in the face of those who tell YOU that there is ANYTHING you can't do."-Andy Biersack,Black Veil Brides(BVB)

"So get back up,when they push you down"-Black Veil Brides, we don't belong

"If you truly love someone, don't waste your time finding reasons to hate them, spend it remembering why you loved them in the first place."-Jinxx and Sammi Doll

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