Chapter 3

"Morning sleepy head" I awoke in his arms as he embraced me like a baby. I realised he and I were both nude and exposed on the bed. I turned to him but he was asleep. So who...

"Hey". my head whipped round.

"Argh!!!" I screamed. James suddenly awoke as I scrabbled for the covers to hide my womanhood.

"Who the heck are you?!" James yelled.

The man was hooded. Vaguely tall and had broad shoulders. His legs covered in mud splattered jeans. He turned to face us. He lowered his hood.

"Hey sis"




"Ben what the hell? Why u in my room?"

"well I got into some trouble with the gang and they kicked me out. I came here but u seemed...u know...busy..." The heat crept up my face and I felt embarrassed.

"Oh by the way, nice rack" he inclined pointing toward my chest.

"No way man!" James yelled "stay away from Charlotte sister or not"

Ben looked surprised.

"Dude I was joking, u think I'm gonna perv on ma sis. I'm messed up sure! but not that messed up. I'm not as shit as you think" he murmured. with his hood lowered I could see the blood running down his face.

"Oh my god." I cried. I got up- nit caring if I was nude. Both boys have seen me before. I pulled on my top and knickers and ran to the kitchen. I rescued a flannel from nearby mould extinction and ran it under the tap.


Dropping the flannel I ran back into my room. In the middle of the room my whole room was a wreck. Upturned furniture and broken glass. James and Ben were swinging punches and kicking out. I ran into the middle and pushed out my hands. Both of them flew back against the wall.

"Stop it!!" I shrieked. James looked at me in a sense if hurt. I had never used my powers on him before. Suddenly, he shouted.

"Charlotte! Behind you!" undoubtably I was flung across the room and knocked unconscious.

James' POV

We were sat in the room waiting for Charlotte to come back. Luckily I managed to pull some clothes on. I was asking him all sorts of questions.

"Where did you come from?"

"My moms ass, idiot" he replied

"ha ha very funny"

"What's it to you?" He asked

"You just randomly appeared in our room with both of us butt naked- why wouldn't I ask you this?!" I blurted

"It doesn't matter. She's my sister."

"Why are you here?" I inclined

"I ran from my gang. Duh just explained that"

"Why are you really here?" I pressed. There was something familiar about him. Something I couldn't place. It was in the back of my mind. Somewhere. then I was propelled across the room. His backhand swinging round as I went. Crumpled I let out a short moan before recovering. I looked up seeing him walking toward me. Seething, my hand turned to a fist and I right hooked him sending him stumbling. Again and again I did this pushing him further and further back. He stumbled over something. And fell through the open glass window. Ben gripped onto the pane and launched himself back up. Charlotte came dashing in. She ran into the middle. And shrieked

"Stop it!" Out stretching her hands she launched us both back against the wall. She had used her powers. On me. Me. Of all people. I looked up at her my sense of trust slowly crumbling. Then I saw her brother get up and a crackled of energy erupted from his hand throwing her back against the wall. She fell limp.

"Charlotte! You son of a bitch!!" I yelled. Running toward him. He was faster sliding under my legs and punching my back. I got down and swung my legs round catching his ankles. He fell with me. I picked him up by the shirt and hung him out the window. I left him there hanging by only his material.

"There there, stay good doggy" I mocked. He stayed put. If he hadn't each struggle would tear the fabric further. Edging him closer to his doom.

I ran to Charlotte. Lifting her limp body in my hands. Something was definitely broken. Speckleken wasn't going to like this, again...

I rested her on the sofa in our lounge away from the bedroom. I closed the door to not disturb her. Seething, I strode toward the window, lifted his scrawny little body and hung him out the window with only my hand to kill him. We were in the 20th storey so a 1000ft drop would certainly kill him.

"Why do this you piece of shit?" I screeched holding his head to face my own.

"She's your fucking sister!"

"No. I'm not. His army is coming and there's nothing you an do to stop him. Hacker is coming with or without his army. He can easily destroy you both. My hand was slipping.

"Tell me where he is bastard or you fall!"

"Really, your really gonna be that cold blooded man. Look me in the eyes and do it, Rico."

"How?" I asked. Slightly edging away from him.

"Ahh c'mon. Rico he's waiting for you."

"No I'm not that man anymore. I have Charlotte. if I went back she would hate me. she can never know"

"Too late, she will find out someway or another." he hauled up and bit my arm so vigorously that I let go. Shit! I punched the wall. He fell to his doom.

Bens POV

I was falling. Slowly. Some would say quite fast. The adrenaline rush was exquisite running through my head and body. They became numb as the cold air hit me again and again. The pavement rushed closer and my eyes closed knowing death would await me. I was not afraid. Death was my ally. The pavement neared and I realised death was coming my way. My eyes shit open and realised for the first time I was afraid. The pavement hit me and I splattered leaving my remains for the good of the people to see....

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