Prove it

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Authors Note

Sorry I haven't updated recently I was away in London and had no wifi!!! Hope you enjoy this one. If u wanna be included in my novel just comment below




Chapter 6

Olly's POV

With that he walked off leaving me alone in a frock in cornfield. Alone. While raining!! My hair stuck to my scalp as I walked back. Dripping, I stood dead in the doorway. Caitlyn and her new "celebrity" Lucy were being crowded by "adoring fans". My love turned to face me and put her fist in her mouth to prevent utter laughter. Everyone turned and a fit of hysterics erupted in the hall. Relieved, I saw Lucy back away into the corner watching from afar. huh. For a sorceress she ain't that scary from the stories.

"Right that's it!" I yelled marching toward Caitlyn. Immediately everyone stopped and stared at my sudden outburst. I towered over Caitlyn looking down on her. All of a sudden she shrank back down to mouse size. I placed a hand on her shoulder. She whimpered slightly.

"Do you really think you can embarrass me I front of everyone?" I whispered in her ear. With that I revealed the bucket of water I had hidden and dunked it on top of her head!

Her face was hilarious!

Tackling I friendship rugby tackled her to the ground tickling her sides as we fell. Hysterical she rolled helplessly as I moved in for the kill. Straddling her, I formed my hands into a shovel-like shape and dug them into her armpits making her scream with laughter. Looking around I saw the elders tutting us and shaking their heads. I didn't care. I was having a laugh with the love of my life

Lucy's POV

I shrank back to the corner; not knowing how to respond. I wasn't used to a happy family, laughter or excitement. I was used to danger, loneliness and adrenaline. Cowering in a corner wasn't a good look for a sorceress. Screaming inside I kicked myself for being embarrassed. Olly looked at me curiosity embraced his face. Mind linking I sent him a message to check the bucket in his hands that was now there. Secretly I had plunged it into his locked hands and filled it. I winked at him. A flicker of a smile escaped his lips before he continued his act.

As he dunked it on Caitlyn her clothes were dripping. The draggy hair and tattered clothes stuck to her skinny body like a bad smell in a bin. She looked bedraggled. I stifled a laugh.


Hadn't had one of those in a while; maybe this place wasn't so bad after all. Apart from the smell; the elders and their old customs and the fact that they are living in a cave didn't matter. To Caitlyn this was her home- slave or not...

Seeing those two tackled and play fight reminded me of James. I clutched my chest. Pain ached across my heart. Is this what I was reduced to a broken heart? "I need to become stronger" I whispered to myself "I do not need him". "

"Why are you talking to yourself?" queried a strong male voice. Sharply I looked up to my approached. Short jet black hair, chiseled chin, piercing blue eyes rippling muscles; this mystery man stood before me shirtless and all.

"It's the first side of madness you know" he joked

"I do not become mad by muttering useless words" I said pounding the wall with my fist.

"Ok mr hulk! calm down was only joking! Names Seth" he greeted holding out his hand. Gently I took it shaking it firmly in his warm palm.

"Sorry for asking but can you speak?"

"No shit Sherlock." I replied coldly

"OH MY GOD!! You've heard of that too?!"

"Yeah.. so?"

"No one here has ever heard of Sherlock! it was like my favourite tv series before this!"

"Yeah before this..." I whispered gazing into his eyes. a piercing scream filled the room. abruptly both pairs of eyes darted toward the scene where a red faces Caitlyn was being straddled by Olly.

"Ahhh, young love eh?" Seth said chuckling.

"Yeah..." I whispered my side still aching.

"Hey let's get outa here! wanna go to my quarters?"

"What do you mean quarters?" I pondered

"Well I'm sorta Hackers right arm man..." he admitted scratching his head and laughing. Immediately my blade was in my hand and in the tier a ball of fire. I pressed the blade to his throat.

"Talk" I spat at him

"Woah! Calm down. everyone knows I'm a double agent I try to stop his genocides daily!" He blabbered,

"Prove it" I said between cold teeth

"How?" he replied

"Get me Hackers best man alive..."

How did you like it? sorry for the short ending! Been really busy with Easter and Birthday planning! I'm trying to write more! haven't forgot you guys!





Love you guys!

Lucy RehclipWhere stories live. Discover now