This Isn't Love, Right? (HarryxFred One Shot)

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GOOD DAY! Georgie here again! Second fic (Well technically this was the first one we ever wrote together but I'm posting it second just to be awkward), still really bad xxx have fun!

It was the end of Harry's 5th stressful year at Hogwarts, and he'd accepted the Weasley's offer to stay at the Burrow throughout the holidays. After getting the Hogwarts Express back to Kings Cross station, Harry, Ron, and the other Weasley siblings got into Arthur's flying Ford Anglia. After a while, they arrived at the Burrow. A little isolated family home in the country. Harry trudged upstairs, and went into Ron's room where he'd be staying, and flung his bag at the wall before collapsing on the bed. He stared the ceiling and thought about his current situation.

He was at the Burrow so there was no fear of getting beaten at the Dursley's. He was unsure of how he was going to survive the rest of his life with Voldemort on his back and his newfound confusion over Sirius Black. He had no idea about what was going to happen. He was glad he had friends like Ron and Hermione but he couldn't tell them everything. He was open to talk about his dreams and his feelings toward Voldemort but he wasn't about to tell them his greatest secret. He was gay, simple as that but in the current climate of homophobia he was not about to let it lose.

Harry was lost in a trail of thoughts, until Fred Weasley, one of the twins, knocked on Harry's door. After getting no response, Fred popped his head round the door making Harry jump. This shocked Fred who bit his lip. "Mum said tea's ready." Fred announced after a few awkward seconds, and left the room. Harry sighed, before briskly following Fred, and bounding down the stairs.

He entered the dining room and saw Fred almost immediately, sitting at the table, grinning and talking to Ron, who was looking pretty stupid as usual. Harry soon found himself staring at Fred, unable to take his eyes away. He was beautiful. He continued to stare until someone came up behind him. "Alright Harry?" A voice said behind him. Harry whipped around to find George leaning over him with that signature Weasley Twin Grin on his face. Harry stared dumb-founded at George until Molly broke him out of his trance with 'Come on Harry, love, sit down.' Harry sat and tried not to look at the twins desperately.

Harry's sighed. How could he ever admit the truth to anyone? He'd be mocked forever. After a few seconds, which seemed like a few minutes in Harry's thoughts, sat between Fred and George, he began to eat. He felt the twin's gaze on him but didn't look up. After pushing the food around his plate, he realised he couldn't stay any longer, so without warning, he shot his chair back, and belted out of the back door. Harry didn't know where he was going, nor did he care. He just hoped that no one would find him.

He ran across the garden ignoring the confused shouts of the Weasley's and continued over their wall and into the field. He didn't even notice he was being followed until he felt someone grab his shoulder and turn him around. He then found himself staring to turquoise eyes of Fred Weasley. Harry couldn't suppress his gasp of surprise and the twin started at him. "What are you doing Harry," Fred said in that tone of voice that nearly made Harry blush.

He was so beautiful. His straggly auburn hair framed his face. He's perfect. "Harry?" Fred said in a slightly demanding tone. Oh god, not this again. Harry looked over Fred's shoulder, who was lightly holding onto him, and spied the Weasley's running towards him. Harry couldn't take it. The smell of him. Everything about him. He shook Fred off, and once again ran. He peered over his shoulder to see Fred falling to his knees. No, I couldn't. He'd never feel the same. He'd never be able to look at him again. Or any of the other Weasley's. Harry didn't know where he was going. All of a sudden, his legs buckled, and he blacked out.

When Fred saw Harry collapse he got up as quickly as he could and ran over the fellow Gryffindor. He turned to see his twin coming towards him. George dropped to his knees beside his brother and asked what happened. "I asked him why he ran and then he ran again and then he collapsed," Fred said in a rush. George looked at him questioningly before Ron and Arthur reached them. Fred picked Harry's limp frame up and carried him back to the house to wait his waking.

This Isn't Love, Right? (HarryxFred One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now