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    Chapter 3: Awoken

  Well. This is it. I'm dead. My life was over before it even begun. I wonder if I'm gonna go anywhere like hell or something. Oh my gawd I hope Nick's okay. And my girl scout cookies. I hope he doesn't eat them. We had already made a deal that he would get my junk stash if I ever died. I literally am not allowed to eat junk food so I have over 12 different places in my room with food hidden in them. UGH. what is that ringing noise? And that massive headache I have.  The thumps in my head seem to echo throughout the darkness If I'm in limbo, I don't want to spend all my damn time like this.

"Ash! Ash!"

"What god?" 

"I'm not god stupid. You're not dead. Now wake up. We need to get out of here." Said a familiar voice

"Excuse me God but I don't like your tone with me so say it nicer. Then maybe I might get up"I said sarcastically.

"Ash!"  Boomed the voice.

"Ugh, fine." It took all my energy but my eyes opened. Wait, I'm alive.I hugged the guy holding me in his arms."I'm alive! I thought I was dead!"

"You weren't the only one" said Nick 

"Oh my god, I was in this dark space" I was saying everything so fast it sounded like one massive word. "And I swear to god I thought you would take my junk stas-" My voice wondered off as I noticed my surroundings. 


Blood was everyone, it covered the walls.The Floors. The ceiling. There were bodies everyone. There was no need to ask if they were alive the entire school seemed to be dead besides me and Nick. A circle was formed around me and him and not a spec of blood was inside of 

"What did you do? What happened?" I yelled at him with emotions flourishing through my body.

"Me! I didn't do anything! This was all you! " He yelled furiously causing me to back up. He saw the shock on my face and said "We need to get out of here" 

"Don't lie to me! What happened?" I have never been so mad at him before. Why is he lying to me?

"I'll tell you later, just please. We need to get out of here"

"Why not now?"

"Later. But Come with me if you want to live." He said with a smirk coming across his face. I wanted to burst out laughing so bad right then, he literally just quoted the Terminator. Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh. Awh, he's doing that smirk that makes him look so cute. Woah. What did I just say? I'm in a school covered in blood and I'm thinking about how cute my best friend is. Am I drugged or something like holy hell.

"I hate you." The smile I was resisting sprawled across my face. "Where are you taking me?"

I stared at his hand gestured to help me up. "I don't need your help" I said getting up on my own.

"Fine then. I was thinking maybe we could take a trip to Turkey" For some reason, I felt like he said I was going home.

We got up and walked towards the door and it happened. Probably the worst thing that could happen to me. Ethan.

Ethan was standing in front of the door with a knife trembling. Honestly whoever killed all these people, why couldn't they kill him? Ethan came charging at me and I braced myself for the impact of the knife. Instead that moron Nick decided to push me aside and throw himself in front of the knife. 

"Nick!" I yelled expecting him to fall to the ground or scream in pain. Instead, he laughed. He's laughing. Okay, now I'm freaked out. After all of this I haven't been freaked out. But at that moment I was freaked out. 

"What. What.. Why aren't you dead? Why are you laughing? Stop laughing you freak!" Ethan was stuttering now. He was afraid and he didn't know how to hide it. What was happening?

" Honestly, I've hated you since the day I met you and I knew what you were. I just needed for you to make your move. Berith. You're the bastard who told Sebastien Michaelis all of the secrets no demon was ever suppose to share."

"Fine, You've found me. But you cant do anything about it. I'm still gonna kill that bitch behind you. She deserves to die. Shes a -"Ethan was cut off by a Laevateinn puncturing his heart. In a matter of seconds a vortex appeared int he middle of Ethan making him a  massive black hole sucking up his own body, dust swarming everywhere. 

"Okay, we can go now" 

"Since when did you turn into a badass"I said as we walked out the doors and sunlight burst in every direction almost making the blood look illuminated in a beautiful way

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