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"We'll talk soon but right now I have Henry in the car sleeping and also being watched by Hook." She said with a nervousness in her voice.

"Henry!" Maya smiled. "Can I go say hi?" She asked looking to Emma who looked to her saddened. "What is it?" Maya asked confused.

"I remember, but Henry doesn't." Emma answered looking to the girl.

"He-" she looked down with her eyebrows furrowed. She was broken hearted. Her best friend didn't know who she was. "-doesn't remember?"

"No. There was only enough memory potion for one. I'm sorry." Emma said as Maya looked to her.

"It's okay." Maya answered still looking down. There was nothing Emma could do about it but she still felt bad. Everyone could tell too.

"Well I'm going to go book a room at Granny's and take Henry there. We can talk about this after he gets to bed." Emma said looking to her parents.

Maya started walking to upstairs. "Sweetie, don't you want to talk with Emma right now?" Mary Margaret said holding her stomach.

"I'm kind of tired right now." She said looking to them. She was hurt and she knew they knew. She didn't want them to keep asking her about it.

"Maybe tomorrow we can meet up at Granny's then." David suggested.

"I guess." She answered with a nod. "Goodnight." She said as she went to her room.

She sat there and looked at the ceiling. She wasn't excited they were back, but to know that Henry didn't remember at all still, made the feeling worse. She eventually fell asleep and morning came soon after.

She got up and got dressed. She knew she was going to probably see Henry, but she wanted to see him now, even if he didn't remember.

On their ride to Granny's Mary Margaret and David explained to Maya what had been going on. People had been going missing and they weren't sure who was doing this. They also mentioned that Hook had his memory but he didn't stay with them.

"Maya, are you sure you want to see him?" Mary Margaret said looking to her.

"What am I supposed to say to him? I just want him to remember." Maya said slouching in the backseat.

"Emma is just going to tell him that we are old friends okay?" Mary Margaret smiled. "Don't worry okay? We are going to find a way to get all of our memories back." She assured Maya who wasn't very convinced. Maya looked out the window until eventually they were at Granny's.

Maya walked in after her parents and saw Henry sitting down with Emma.

"Uh Henry this is Mary Margaret and David." She heard Emma says she walked around her mom and dad. "And this is Maya, their daughter."

"Are you helping my mom with the case?" He asked looking to her mom and dad then Emma. "Or are they the ones who jumped bail?" He whispered.

"Oh no they are just- old friends." Emma said looking to them.

"Old friends. From where?" Henry asked.

"Phoenix." Mary Margaret blurred out.
"Here." Emma said at the same time.

"Well Phoenix and then here." Emma said.

"But I fought you were only in Phoenix for being in that place?" Henry asked referring to Emma's time in prison.

"Right. We were cell mates." Mary Margaret said as Maya smiled to her mom.

"Really? What were you in for?" Henry asked.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Where stories live. Discover now