The Disappearence of Hatsune Miku

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Being 'normal' - what does that even mean? As far as I'm concerned, I'm pretty normal, though from time to time somebody will remind me that there's something different, something I'm apparently oblivious to.

Some frown and cover their ears when I'm singing, some send offensive messages via social media, some point out my flaws and roll their eyes as they storm off. Everyone looks at me differently - some in awe, some in annoyance - but why?

Lost in thought, I slowly walk down one of the monochromatic corridors. The only sound I can hear is the sound of my footsteps as I wander aimlessly.

"Miku!" A sudden voice yells, disrupting my train of thought. Inquisitively I turn around to face the source of the sound. A smaller girl with blonde hair and a cute, oversized bow on her head begins racing down the corridor, and stops at my side.

"Something wrong, Rin?" I ask her, glancing at the younger girl steadily as I await her response. She smiles at me and nods her head in the direction of one the offices.

"Your master sent me to get you. He would like to see you to discuss some new songs." Rin explained.

I nod at her in acknowledgement. "Okay then." I respond, about to turn away. However, Rin grabs my wrist, preventing me from leaving. I turn around and face her, confused. "What?"

Rin's electric blue eyes burn into me, showing no emotion other than pure concern. "Is something wrong?" She asks. "You're usually so excited about singing!"

I shrug my shoulders in response to her question. "I guess I'm just not feeling it today." I tell her. Rin sighs and lets go of my wrist.

"If you say so." She tells me, before turning away and walking off. I stare after her, before a nearby door opens and a deep voice says, "Earth to Hatsune Miku! We haven't got all day!"

"Oh!" I exclaim, rushing into the familiar office. "I'm sorry." I apologise, looking up at my master and bowing in apology. He nods his head and beckons me to take a seat, to which I obey. He picks up some folders and paperwork from his desk and slams them onto the coffee table before sitting opposite me, his expression all serious like it usually is when we discuss songs.

"As you know," he begins, "you have a concert in one months time. I've already organised the song list for you - here." He quickly goes through the stack of paper before handing me the song list.

I study it quickly before nodding my head and handing him the sheet. "Sounds good." I tell him.

"Most of said songs are classics that you should already know, which speeds things up a bit." He pauses before looking back at me and continuing. "Let's head over to one of the recording studios, okay?"

"Alright then." I respond, getting up. Master collects the necessary papers before leading me to one of the recording studios of the Crypton Headquarters.

I walk up to the microphone and master takes a seat, placing his paper work on the floor in front of him. "Okay then, how about we start with Rolling Girl?" He suggests.

"Sure." I respond, watching as he jogs over to the laptop and waiting for the music to start. After a moment of hesitation, the music starts, the emotional piano music filling the room.

All of a sudden, the music stops. "You missed the queue!" Master points out.

"I did? Oh, sorry. I'll try again." I tell him. Narrowing his eyes, he turns to the monitor once again and presses play. I try my best to focus on the music, but for some reason it's hard to concentrate.

I begin singing. Though, although the song is supposed to be depressing, almost like a cry for help, there's no emotion. The song sounds monotonous. I glance over at master at some point, who is shaking his head with a disappointed expression. Almost instantly I stop singing, letting the music continue without me.

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