The Boy's Confession (Fluff Chapter)

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Me: By the title, you can tell what will happen, and sadly there is no Nugget x Lily.... 😢 I can't write about my OTP now... you know since they already confessed to each other.

Buggs: De, who the heck am we confessing to?

Me: *smiles insanely* The characters people ship you with the most 😆

Lily: Also this is the high school AU.


Buggs' P.O.V

I took a deep breath and walked up to the door. "You can do this, Buggsy, just knock on the door." I told myself. I knocked on the door, and waited, I looked the flowers once more to see if I choose the right one, pink roses, yep those are her favorite.

I was about to turn around and walk away when the door opened "Oh, hi, Buggs!" I shivered at his angelic voice, "H-hi, Cindy." I said nervously. Cindy had her hair down and was wearing her normal outfit. I handed her the flowers "These are for you!" I said blushing, I looked at the ground and messed with the ground with my foot. "Awww, thank you, they're so beautiful!" "Not as beautiful as you." I thought.

She took the flowers and smelt them "Pink roses, how did you know!" she said happily. I smiled "Like I won't know my own crush's favorite flower." I thought "I took a lucky guess." I replied to her. Her shimmering brown orbs met my dark blues "Cindy, I need to ask you something." I said as I scratched the back on my head nervously. "Hmm?" I took a deep breath.

"Cindy Elizabeth Baxter, I, Buggs Andrew Karmen, would ask to be my-" I was cut off, by Cindy kissing me. She broke it and we touched foreheads "Of course, Buggs." she giggled. I hugged her. "I wonder how Kid and Monty are holding up." I thought.

Jerome's P.O.V

I was pacing back and forth at the park, Monty said we need to tell me something. "Hey, Jerome!" I looked up to see Monty running to me, we all grew up a lot since Mrs. (Y/n) first started teaching us in kindergarten, it's hard to believe that we're in high school, it seems like yesterday we were in kindergarten. Monty looked the same only now he wears contacts instead of his old glasses, but still wear his green jacket that he hides his stuff in. I had my normal shorts and shirt, so I didn't look that new, except that I got more muscular, hey on the basketball team you got to have some muscles.

Monty looked a lot like a ginger version of Harry Potter, but minus the glasses, wait I already said that... "Jerome, thanks for coming." Monty said, I smiled "Anytime, Monty, so what do you need to tell me?" I asked him. Monty took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes, his blue eyes locked onto my hazel ones, "Jerome, I... I l... I ll... I LIKE YOU!" he finally yelled, his cheeks turned scarlet and tears formed in his eyes "And I know what you're think, how could I like someone like me, no one cares for me! I'm just the smart person no one likes, or has a crush on." he broke down into a sobbed fit, it pained me to see this.

I hugged him "Are you sure that's what I think of you, some smart kid that no one likes? That's not true, Monty." I made him look at me "You are a wonderful friend, you're practically rich, and everyone may pick on you, but not once has Buggs, me, or even Cindy picked on you? Not one time have I let Buggs bully you back in kindergarten, you mean a lot to me, Monty, I guess you could say... I like you too?" I said smiling. Monty smiled tears still running down his cheeks, he hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged him back, he truly is something to me.

Kid's P.O.V

I invited Billy over, today's the day. Today is the day I confess to Billy. Nugget asked Lily if Billy likes me, she even said yes, so now I'm confident to confess. I was in front of the bathroom mirror, practicing my confession.

I took a deep breath, one more time.

"Billy, back when we were at your and Lily's house for the birthday party, remember when we played Truth or Dare? Remember how you chose dare and Cindy dared you to kiss my cheek? Remember how I turned at the last second on accident? Remember how Lily and Nugget took a picture of it? Remember how we turned into the laughing stalk of middle school for a while?" I giggled remembering how embarrassed we were, I soon frowned "Remember... how you didn't speak to me for a year? You never looked at me, you rarely smiled, and when we were paired for projects, you always ask if you could get someone else. I was heartbroken, cause, Billy, I like you!" I said to the mirror.

"You feel the same?"

I turned and saw Billy standing there, blushing. I grabbed the sink behind me "What!? Uh... how much... did you hear?" I asked him embarrassed, he blushed darker and messed with the floor with his foot "Everything." he spoke in embarrassment.

I looked at him hoping "Wait, you said 'you feel the same' right? Does that mean... you like me back?" I asked. He nodded "Kid, you saved my life back in kindergarten from Mr. Gunsmith. You're my hero, and they say everytime a victim is saved from a hero, they most likely fall in love." Billy said smiling.

I nodded, that is true. Billy opened his arms, I hugged him tightly. Billy put his head in the crock of my neck, I don't care if the others make fun of us, cause I don't care. I finally have Billy.


Me: there's you're fluff!

Lily: *hugs Nugget* Cuddles!

Nugget; *hugs her back* Cuddles!

Me: Freaking ship it like FedEx 0w0

Monty: *looks at the script for the next chapter* Degal Moonlit Heartfang!, what. Is this?

Me: *throws script in a shredder* Snow

Buggs: Uh... Bye guys?

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