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We've been riding, eating, playing and surfing. I don't want this day to end. I'm so happy, I'm always happy when I'm with him.

"Jenny, Let's try the roller coaster."  He held my hand and I found myself standing in the ticket booth.

" I don't want to." I turned back walking back to the bench where I was sitting a while ago.

"Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you."

"How come? You don't even want to go with me in the roller coaster." He then again held my hand.

"I trust you but I don't wanna go there." I pointed the ride.

He shook his head. 

"Okay, If its what yo want but can you accompany me on the Ferris Wheel?" He asked with so much need.

"Okay okay, Do I have any choice?" He laugh and carried me until we reach the ride.

"I love you." He whispered as we enter but I'm pretending that I didn't heard that.

I do remember the first time we met..

The day he asked me to be his girl in this ferris wheel..

The day he told me he had changed for me..

The day my friends asked me why'd I chose him..

I'm just happy, happy to be with the one I love..

"Jenny?"my day dreaming ended up when he called my name.

"I love you." 

"I love you too." I feel something bad is gonna happened.

Why is there a dark aura in him. He can't even look at me.

"I need to go to Manila." 

Tell me I'm dreaming, pinch me, punch me. Do everything to wake me up.

"When? why?"

"I'll take my flight tomorow. Business matters." He answered still not looking at me.

"how long will it be?" 

"maybe 6 months?"

"No! Not Again! Why can't you just tell me? Huh? Answer me. There's a girl right?" I shouted.

"...." He didn't respond.

I was dumbfounded. I fell like I've been cheated. I don't know what the truth is.

It took a long time of awkwardness inside.

When it stop I run out of it.

I ran , I ran as fast as I can. I don't want to hear any explanation. He's always been like that. He's always in Manila. DAMN.

My Broken Heart and His Fake Heart (short story English)completed.Where stories live. Discover now