Going DEEP Part 3

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The moment the needle exploded, I had to run quickly to the Goopy One as possible. The diversion has been set up! I almost got him.. The human that tried to take everything away from me. Stupid aiming! I camouflage myself, trying to make my way to the nearest box to the green giant. As I sneak, I heard the sounds of gunfire roaring in the background. Hah! As if bullets could do anything to the Goopy One! I remember them merely bouncing back, but as the roaring continued, I realize I couldn't stay for much longer. I can't murder him. Not with his slaves everywhere! I need to regroup.

The moment I reach the box behind my green friend, I felt a green arm reach up to me. Pulling me away. "AAH!!" I scream, biting the arm down rapidly. I can't be exterminated! NOT NOW! But none of my biting helped. The camouflage wore off. Now I felt surrounded by a familiar substance. A gooey substance.

"Twitch! I thought you left!" The Goopy One cries out. "I thought you left with them! Where did you come from!? You.. shouldn't have co-"

"Goopy One! Hands off your king! You ruined his cloak of invisibility.." I growl angrily. It takes a few minutes to refresh it again. They didn't have a few minutes! "If you must know.. Twitch escaped through that vent!" I shout pridefully. "It was harsh, but nothing can stop Twitch! But I can tell you the story when we get back to the lair! We nee-"

"Wait? Escape?" ZAC asks, confused. "What do you mean? You.. You came back here right? You lead my parents to safety and you came back! Right?"

"What.. what are you talking about!? Twitch didn't do anything to your creators.. That man.. The chem-baron.. He tortured them! Killed them! I saw! We need to go!" The gun began piercing through the wooden crates. He felt its surface weakening. They had to leave.

"They.. They can't be.. I saw them in the lab.. The screen.. Everyth-"

"Well! I saw them! And Twitch doesn't lie! Let's go! Come on stench.. Work with me! Goopy One! Throw yourself out! Through one of the many windows... That's the only way now.. We can make it! We'll leave.. There's no time!" The blob looks back at the vent questioningly. The crate starts to groan even more. "HURRY UP!"

"I'm sorry pal.. but I can't leave without them. I need them. Leave without me!"

"What.. NO!" But it was too late, the crate gave out. The bullets went through. I hopped back to a smaller box next to it, crouching for dear life. I peek out of my hiding spot, and see the Goopy One running rapidly for the very vent that I escaped from. "Idiot..." I grumble. I try to reach him, but he's too far, and the thugs are already after him. Twitch could very well die if he runs after him, but I couldn't leave them to take my friend.. But I couldn't.... No matter how much I say this, I reluctantly heeded his words in the end. I snuck to a manhole and finally felt the comfort of my domain, but I never left that spot. Not until I see the Goopy One back again.

 Not until I see the Goopy One back again

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