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Another day done, another bag of criminals throw in the prison. Hopefully they wouldn't go out next time. I overheard them saying that they would increase security at the place, but I shouldn't worry about that. I'm just glad no one got hurt this Mother's Day, and everyone's all happy. Makes me miss my parents, but I like it this way. After all, it feels nice to see someone smile and laugh instead of angry and hopeless. Wish Zaun could be like that every day, but that's not the way the world works.

As I continued to watch all the sons, mothers, and fathers leave the bright commercia for the night, the zaunite bell rung in the distance. 9:00. I guess it was time for me to go as well. I stepped away from the crack and swished through the pipes and knobs downward towards my home. As I continued on my trek through the zaunite sewers, the warm happiness that surrounds me transformed into something cold. Something ruthless. Something dark. The men, Takeda's men, still want me. They still want to use me as a weapon. They lurk with their night-vision goggles and their weapons and their armor, hunting me down. I could feel their lack of emotion necessary for their job or, even worse, their fear that pokes at me. Their stutters and prayers to get out alive just eats me up inside...

I-I shouldn't worry about that. Right? They are men who have.. hunted me down and tried to kill my best friend. Murdered my parents in cold blood out of desperation. They would do anything, merciless people. If I can't stop them, then no one will, but how? It's only a matter of time.. What do I do?? That question continuously repeated itself over and over and over and over and over again.. What do I do?

As I slide slowly deeper into the rusty pipes, I heard an explosion. A loud explosion, towards the direction I was heading. "Oh no. Twitch? Twitch!?" I slide over quickly, ready to leap out and strangle the mercenary that may have murdered his friend. I can't be responsible for another death. The loud creaks and clanks of the pipes echoed into the tunnels until it 1 of the pipes popped off, releasing a slew of sewage and a green hunk of slime, me. I looked out with my eyes to see a light blue fog that quickly dissipated.

"Twitch? Twitch? Are you alright?" I asked frantically. I saw the shadow trying to stand up. Eventually the shadow began to form features: large bat like ears, buck teeth, bolted tails, and matted grey fur.

"Ugh.. I'm fine Goopy One! Grrr... Those humans.. They're trying to exterminate me again! Ruining my lair again.. Bah!"

"What happened pal? You had me worried there," I sighed, helping Twitch up.

"Hm.. I found this weird ingredient in the sewage.. I tried it in my potions, but it went BOOM! The glass broke and EVERYTHING! It was all a trap I tell you! A TRAP! Those humans must pay.. They must for trying to kill The Sewer King!"

"Hey.. Settle down buddy," I said very slowly, tired of Twitch's weird ramblings. As much as I liked him, I always hated his paranoia. "It's probably another accident as usual." I looked up at the small blue particles. "Tell you what. I'll drive all of this away while you choose a story for story time! Can't wait for you to tell me about your next adventure! Just relax, and everything will be just fine." With that, ZAC grabbed a garbage bag from his bed and began blowing the fog away.

" With that, ZAC grabbed a garbage bag from his bed and began blowing the fog away

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The room began to feel musty as I slept. My sense felt.. awry. Like everything around me was.. suddenly angry.

"Twitch? Are you doing something again!? I thought we talked abou-" I grumbled as I opened my eyes to the basement of my dead parent's house. On the floor was a straitjacketed plague rat. I looked down in the darkness at Twitch. Suddenly a burst of light entered the room and hurried to release the rat in his prison. He was pointed the direction in which he had to go and went for it, fearing for his own life. All of it then became a blur. The thugs came into the room as my mother looked up in shock. One of the thugs held my dad by the back. I tried to fight, but my fists just phased through as if I was a ghost. She grabbed her gun and they readied theirs. I couldn't look. I could never look. The gunshot came blasting out and another and another and another until finally CLANK something was dropped followed by a great silence. I opened my eyes, not to find a corpse, but a blank floor with instances of blood.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out. It felt like a ghost town as I walked up those creaky stairs to the first floor. I searched in desperation throughout the house in the nightmare, but there was nothing found in the hopeless confusion.

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