Chapter 8

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Whoa! This book has surpassed Vision Squad-The Beginning in views! Thankyou guys!!!

Also to the people who start schooling today and next week, good luck!

Adam was sitting with Ty and Jason at the top floor dining room. Seto still hadn't shown up and it was twenty minutes into the meal. Everything was tense.

"So Adam? How was training?"Jason said happily, trying to change the mood.

Of course, our Adam didn't hear him. If that event with Seto hadn't happened, maybe, just maybe, he would've answered his questions sooner, with more confidence. But instead, his mind was still lingering with the events of the earlier hallucination.

Heron was crazy. That wasn't an opinion, it was a fact. How could someone order others to do a deed in which scared children for life, just because they were wealthier than the poor? Those kids had no control over such situations. And niether did Seto when he was younger. That man had to be stopped no matter wh-

"Adam?!" Jason yelled concerned. The yellow eyed boy looked up nervously. He was back to reality. Looking around, he saw Ty was standing up, wings up and out, his eyes purple, ready for anything. Jason shivered. "Y-Your s-s-scaring me...."

Adam looked down at his hands, realizing they were both clenched up in two fists. He was also sweating. What had just happened?

"Adam....." Ty said, "How did you do that?With your necklace on?"

'Do what'Adam wanted to ask, but once he looked down again, he saw it. He had burned through the table and his dinner plate. He stared at the table for a few seconds more, then groaned and stood up, pushing his chair in.

"Im not hungry" he said and walked out the door.

"Adam! Wait!" Jason said, but he was too late.


"Damn these stupid powers....." Adam said under his breath.

"Then why have them?"

Adam looked jumped then looked around. 'Great now he was hearing voices'he thought.

"Who's there?" he said outloud confused. The room seemed to spin.

"Its me, your self conscious."

"Since when did I have a self conscious?" Adam asked.

"You've always had one. Doesn't everyone?"

"Does this have to do with my stupid powers?"

"You can say that. You've always had me, but I do suppose that praticing your powers have brought out the other side of you. Well the side of you now at least."

"Side of me now? What does that mean?"


"H-Hey!! Answer me you little-"


That voice was coming from in back of him. Turning the saw it was Jason, running into a halt.

"Hey.... H-Hey...." He said as his student looked away. "Its okay dude, I know how you feel."

"How could you possibly know?Your normal Jason,Im...not.I cant control these powers for shit,and on top of that,Im part of a prophecy I never wanted,to kill my long lost evil uncle who rules the land with an iron fist.Im supposed to beat myself?"

Jason stared at him in silence, perhaps trying to find a way to help out his student.

"Hey... Your not in this alone remember. There's more to help us. The prophecy says so... and besides,"Jason smiled and held up his hand. In it, a grey see through fire like substance appeared. Putting his hand out he, pointed it at an fireless candle light holder and suddenly it was no longer the color that it was supposed to be, but grey flame. Adam stared wide eyed as his teacher made a swiping motion with his hand and it dissapeared from the candle.

Lost Light (Book One in the Legends of Minecraftia Series)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now