@evelynsumners: I will choose you all over again
Tagged @justinbieber.
Liked by justinbieber, madisonbeer and 1, 024, 315 others.
@jailey_: I really hate you much 😡
@justinbiebernews: omg goals 😍
@jelenaforever: SLUT
@alexabiebs: SNAKE 🐍
@jevelyn: my parents 😍😭
@jbieber94: you're a whore
@justinsgirl: honestly Justin deserves better. You're trash
@evelynsupdats: leave Evelyn alone! Gosh, you all are so immature
@sexbizzle: HOE HOE HOE HOE
@justinbieber: guys stop hating on my girlfriend, what's wrong with you all?. She's an amazing person and doesn't deserve any of this. If you guys are truly my fans you wouldn't be hating on the girl I love.
@biebermania: PREACH 🙌🏻 @justinbieber
@hisbelieber: AWW 😍👆🏻Justin is right!