@evelynsummers: people doesn't change
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Justin and Evelyn on the phone...J- Evelyn? Is that you?
E- stop calling me Justin.
J- No don't hang up please! ... Just listen to me.
E- and why would I?...You already said what you had to say.
J- No, I didn't mean what I said, I'm such an asshole for telling you that, god I'm so sorry. Please baby, you have to believe me when I tell you I didn't mean it.
E- stop lying Justin.
J- I'm not lying! I swear it to you! I wasn't thinking when I said that. You were right, I was being fucking selfish... I just freaked... I got so scared because why if I'm a shitty dad?... I'm afraid to not be good enough for you both, because you both deserve that. You deserve everything baby, and I'm so sorry I keep hurting you. I know I don't deserve you, but I promise you I have changed. Please let me prove it to you.
E- You haven't changed Justin.
J- I have changed! And I know it's hard to believe that because I know you don't trust me anymore but please just give me one last chance. Please let me be part of your and our baby's life. I want us to be a family... I love you baby, Please let me be the one to make you happy. Please be mine again.
E- Justin-
J- listen baby, I'm on my way to LA right now. I will come to your house as soon as I land so we can talk this through... I love you so much, and please, don't give up on me... see you soon.
A/N: do you think Evelyn should give Justin one last chance? 🤔