New Life

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"Answer violence with violence. If one of us falls today, five of them must fall tomorrow." -Evita Peron


Date: March 2nd, 2048

Time: 8:00 A.M

Location: Los Angeles

Bowen's dark brown piercing eyes watched as the doors of the Martian craft closed with a groan. He could feel the craft lift off the concrete rooftop, rising above a wartorn Los Angeles. A view port allowed him to see the once proud City of Angels was in a condition of smoldering, smoking tatters. Her sky scapers laid along the ground in broken segments while rubble clustered over her streets. At her heart was a castle, five miles in diameter and with spires reaching a mile above the ground. The castle was more than just a tool of invasion. It was a symbol of Martian superiority come down from the heavens to replace an inferior people.

Bowen's gaze looked to the center of the craft to see a man clad in knightly armor colored white and gold taking a seat across from him. The man had unnaturally bizarre dark violet eyes that were peering back at him.

"This had better be worth it, Prince," Bowen warned him.

Prince Dothan's eyes looked back emotionless in reply. "I can assure you it is. I wouldn't have gone to all this trouble to recruit you if it wasn't. Besides, I can tell you want to know the truth more than anything. You value the truth as much as I do. One of the many qualities we have in common."

Finding out the truth is the only reason I haven't been clawing for a weapon to cut your head off. Bowen then tersely added, "And I want to know where my team is. Vladimir, Low, and Joanna."

Dothan nodded. "I'll show them to you in due time."

As the craft climbed higher away from the Earth, Bowen could feel a sense of weightlessness taking over his senses. Outside the blue sky darkened to black, indicating they were now out of Earth's atmosphere.

Bowen looked ahead towards the cockpit and was able to see out the large front viewport for the pilot. Far ahead was an object that looked like a large arrowhead suspended in Earth's orbit. He narrowed his focus and greater details on the ominous arrowhead revealed exhaust ports, docking bays, and large guns aimed at the blue planet below. The arrowhead was in fact a royal warship of the Soloran Kingdom's Navy.

"The Soldrake is the warship that has the rest of the Martian royalty on board," the Prince began to tell him. "When the cease-fire went into effect all of our nobles were called back to the ship. I can't tell you how they'll react when they meet you, but you shouldn't expect a warm welcome. They'll view you as a gaian and might be hostile."

"Nothing I'm not already used to," Bowen answered.

"I can only vouch for you, but you'll have to earn their respect yourself."

Bowen watched as the pilot guided their craft to a set of double doors that opened upon their arrival. Inside was a hanger with several landing platforms. The pilot went directly for a platform that had a red carpet rolled out from its base and six Knights of the Royal Guard standing nearby, whom were easily identifiable by their black, gothic-style suits of armor. Bowen's eyes followed the carpet to see ten other Solar Knights standing where it ended, each of them clad in knightly armor carrying their helmets under arm. Two of the knights he recognized, one of which had a flaming red beard and the other was a woman with long flowing raven hair like silk.

Once they landed, one of the doors on the craft opened and unfolded into a descending ramp. Dothan stood up and motioned for Bowen to follow him, which he did. As Prince Dothan departed down the ramp the Knights of the Royal Guard joined him on either side.

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