part 3...finally

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Hey my little nekos.
I am so sorry for not updating in so long.
I kinda forgot about this story for a while.
But anyways I won't keep you any longer.
Enjoy the show.

Anti pov

We basically spent the whole day wrapped in eachother's arms watching TV. I loved it so much.
After some more TV watching my stomach made a huge whale impersonation making me blush from embarrassment. I head him chuckle beside me.
"Hungry aren't we," he say putting a hand on my stomach.
"Well what do you expect. Based on the events of last night I'm surprised this is the first time my stomach growled," I retorted back. He laughed before kissing my head then getting off the bed. I start doing the same until I feel a huge pain in my hips. I falls down with a whimper.
"Anti!" Dark comes running towards me helping me back here.
"Stay here, I'll bring our food upstairs," I nod and he walks out the room. Did we really do it that hard......

Dark pov

I walk downstairs to the kitchen to make food. I decide to make some batter for pancakes. I also popped in some toast in the toaster and put bacon in a pan. A few minutes later I start flipping some pancakes. A few more minutes later and I have both our plates on a tray. Somethings missing. Ah I know, I grab some orange juice from the fridge and two glasses.
Suddenly a scream came from our room. Anti's scream!!
I drop the half-filled glasses on the ground and race upstairs.
I smash the door open to be greeted with an empty bedroom.
I check everywhere frantically calling his name but he was nowhere in the house.
I go back to the bedroom and sit on the bed, heart pumping.
I notice a note on Anti's pillow that I didn't see before.
I pick it up and nearly scream when I read it.

Dear shithead

Lookie what I have.
I bet your pissed now aren't you.
This is quite the specimen you have here.
So innocent. So fragile.
So easy to break.
I think I should keep this cutie for a while until I'm bored with him and when he's all broken.
You better try and find him fast.
Or I might not be able to stop myself from slamming into the cute, tight ass of his and breaking him.
Of course I'm not gonna tell you where we are cause I want alittle fun first, but I will give you a clue.
The place were in is surrounded by green. Almost like the beautiful green of his delightful smelling hair.
Have fun searching.
While I have fun doing........something else.

You'll find out soon enough

I crumple the piece of paper and throw it on the ground.
"Whoever you are.
Your gonna regret taking him from me,"
I smirk, turning into my true demon form, thinking of how I could dismember this person while keeping him alive.

Anti pov

I woke up with a pulsing pain in my head. It was dark all around. I tried getting up but finding both my arms and legs tied to a chair.
All the memories came rushing back.


I was laying in bed half asleep. Smelling great smells coming from the kitchen, my stomach growled. Shut up tummy tum.
Suddenly I heard the window open. I bolted up in bed and looked at the window, sure enough it was open.
"Hello darling," I scream as a masked man comes towards me then smashes me on the head.
I feel myself being picked up before everything went black.

~end flashback~

I am pulled out of my thoughts by a low chuckle coming from across the room.
"Good morning darling, did you sleep well," I hear the man say in a familiar voice.
"Who the fook are you.
Let me go now!!" I shout at him before I hear him chuckle again.
I hear a switch go on and I am blinded by the sudden light.
When I finally open my eyes, I see a tall figure standing in front of me.
He had suspendors on and he looked almost exacly like Dark if it weren't for the pink mustache on his face. He leans down so his face is inches away from mine.
"Call me Wilford
Wilford Warfstash."


Don't ask me why I decided the story Togo like this. My fingers just started typing. Again I'm really sorry for not updating in so long.
Hope you all enjoyed reading this story. Leave a comment and vote if you did. Also follow me for some more septiplier filled fanfic. But anyways thanks again for reading this story and I will see you in the next chapter.
TTFN, tata for now!!!

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