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I woke up to the sound of my phone pinging Evey second. I open my eyes slowly and grab my phone. Firstly I look at the time is 5:45 am. This normally the time I wake up. Because my phone always beeps at this time. This is because of the Snapchat group chat. Is always blowing up. The group includes. Amara (Me) Kaya (My best friend) Kaytlyn (My best friend) Zinnia (My other best friend) Hannah (My best friend) and Anahita (My best friend). We talk non stop. If my phone goes of I know that is the group chat. If one person is bord we all try and help with just sending random llama's to each other. It always seems to work. Today is Friday and in the mornings we  always say what we are wearing to school. So we don't wear the same thing. After telling and confirming the outfit we get changed and take a mirror selfie and send on the chat. If we like it you put a smiley face if you don't you say why. But not liking an outfit is not normally the case. We all have a great taste of fachion. After about 15 minutes I get up go down stairs in my PJs to get some breakfast. My mum and dad are always up and ready in the mornings. My mum is a lawyer (A good one too) and my dad is a police officer. As I come into the kitchen with my phone in my hand bleeping away. My mum hands me my breakfast. Is my favorite! My mum has always made great food. Today was bacon and egg sandwich with lots of ketchup. Once I get the plate of food I hug and kiss my mum and dad on the cheek. Before I sit down on the bar stool. My mum loves to listen to the news in the mornings. So I just listen while I eat. Once I am Finished I head to the dishwasher and put my plate in. I was just about to go up stairs and get dressed but I got stoped buy my mum. "Amara! I'm getting a pay raise. So me and your farther have disided to be a pool" I instantly turn around and say "Yes! Naw I don't have to go round Kaytlyn's house for a swim. The gang can come here for a pool party! Yay!" I run up stairs and go straight onto the group chat and type as fast as I could.
The group chat:
6:07-Me: Guys guess what! I'm getting a pool!!!!!😁😁
6:07-Kaytlyn: That's soooo coooool!!!!! 😘😘😘
6:07-Anahita: Yeah! Naw we can have pool parties!!!😜😜
6:07-Hannah: Yeah! So cool. GTG!! 😕😕 LYL xx
6:08-Kaya: Bye Han xx that's great news!! 😃😃
6:08-Zinnia: Amazing!! Bye Han xx LYL
6:08-Me: LYL. Bye GTG too xx
6:08-Kaytlyn: Bye GTG too LYL xx
6:08-Anahita: LYL xx Bye same xx 😚😚
(LYL means Love you lots)
I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on. I walk in my room and go on Spotify and hit the shuffle button. I use my iPad for this because I don't have Snapchat on there so I get no notifications from it. Once on the playlist I put Bluetooth on and connect it to the bathroom speaker. I strip down out of my PJs and hoped in the shower. After a lot of singing and dancing later I get out the shower. I walk into my closet to pick out an outfit. Once I pick it out I place it on the floor and take a picture. The reason why I put on the floor is that its a good background.
The group chat:
6:34-Me: What do you think.

 The group chat:6:34-Me: What do you think

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6:36-Kaytlyn: Not the shoes. Adidas ones. Xx
6:37-Zinnia: I agree with Kaytlyn. Xx
6:37-Anahita: Same. Xx
6:38-Me: Okay will do. Thanks. Xx

With the Okay from my friends I get ready. After I have put my Adidas shoes on that the girls agreed on. Then put my make up on and put my Pandora bracelet on. We all have one. We always wear them. No matter what. Once I have finished I make my bed and go down stairs. "Amara! You need to feed the puppy!" My dad shouted as he walked out the door. "Okay. Bye dad! Love you!" I reply with. I walk into the living room to get the puppy out of her play pen, that she sleeps in. "Hay! Hi! Puppy!" I say in a baby voice. Once she is in my arms I put her down on the kitchen floor. Before I get her food and water bowl. I feel them before putting them down. She looks so cute. She is a miniature pinscher puppy called Alice. I also let her out to go to potty. After that I put her back into the play pen and she falls right back to sleep. My phone vibrates in my back pocket.
Is the group chat:
6:49-Kaytlyn: Leaving. Xx 😘😘
6:49-Zinnia: Me too. Xx 😊
6:49-Anahita: Same. Xxx 😄😄
6:49-Hannah: Same here. Xx 😜😜
6:50-Kaya: Here too. Xx Xx 😳
6:50-Me: Just leaving. Xx 😃😃😎
Since I am 16 I can drive. So can all of the gang. So I grab my car keys and head to my car. I get in my range rover and drive to school. When I get to school the gang was already here. We always wait for each other ant the school entrance. "Amara!" They all shouted and ran towards me. We had a big group hug before headed to our lockers. Which were all in the same place. I put my combination in and got out the books I need for the day. The first 4 lessons was a complete bore. But lunch came round quickly. All of us always meet at the table. Which we sit on every lunch time. I'm always the 3rd person to sit down. With the lunch form the cafeteria. It can be nice some times. But today was not the day. So I ate the fruit instead. "By the way Amara your makeup is on fleek today" Caitlin said with some hand actions.

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