Chapter 9

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Faith's POV

'' What did my father say to you?'' Ed spat once again
''Nothing'' I replied with a convincing tone
'' I don't believe you!'' he growled. I could tell that he was beyond furious. But I tried not to show him my fear on my face. But my lower lips was trembling.
''Oh sweetie, don't be afraid'' Ed smirked ''I will not hurt you that much...'' he purred in my ear.
''W-what do you want?'' I stuttered
''Sweetheart there are a lot of things that I want, including you...'' his back was turned against me so I couldn't see his face, but I could almost hear his smirk.
''And when I want something I'll get it'' he said and turned around. He had the most disgusting grin plastered on his face. Ed was now only a few inches from my face, his lips came closer and closer and I was starting to panic. But suddenly the door opened.
''Hey, Ed, Harry and his gang want to talk to you'' a boy that couldn't be older than 15 said.
''Tell him that I and the love of his life will be out in just a second'' he smirked and the boy left.
'' It look like your Prince Charming has arrived'' he said and untied the ropes around my feet and hands. The bright light were blinding me but I got used the light.

Harry's green orbs met mine and I felt the tears burn.
''What do you want Ed? She has nothing to do with our problems so let her go!'' Harry said. But Ed laughed
'' Haven't you learned yet? I know that this cute girl means the world to you and you would probably get more damaged if I hurt her than if I hurt you'' Ed smirked as usual. He kissed my neck.
'' Let me go!!!'' I cried
'' Let her go! She's mine!'' Harry growled. Harry tried to attack Ed, but Liam and Zayn held him back.
''Ohh! I better watch out. I forgot but you have killed two people'' Ed laughed
'' I didn't do it! It wasn't me!!'' Harry growled and he was now even more furious than before.
''Right it was me! But you got the blame'' Ed said. Suddenly I heard police sirens.
'' Who the fuck called the police?!'' Ed shouted angrily. Nobody answered, but not far away I saw the fifteen year old boy with a cell phone and he had an worried look in his face. It was probably him, but why?
'' Give her to me or the police will catch you'' Harry threatened.
'' Fine'' Ed muttered and threw me into Harry's arms. Ed's gang left and I was left her with Harry and the lads.
'' Faith! Are you okay? Oh my god my angel? What did he do to you?'' Harry asked worried voice.
'' I'm fine, I promise'' I said and he embraced me with a tight and comforting hug.
'' Let's go home'' He whispered.

~2 Days Later~
I'm okay apart from the circumstances and Addison hasn't stopped calling me, it's getting on my nerves, really. I sat on the sofa and watched Top Model, when someone suddenly knocked on the door. I stood up slowly and went with lazy steps to the door and opened it. I was surprised, because it was a quiet young boy standing there. It felt like I have met him before. I could not quite put my finger on who it was until he started talking, it was the fifteen year old guy that worked for Ed.
''Hey, you're Faith right?'' he asked shyly
'' Yeah, that's me? But I'm sorry to ask, but why are you here? Have Ed sent you?'' I asked and tried to sound confident.
''No, umm, I came her by myself'' he replied still nervous.
''Oh, well, why?'' I smiled to him.
'' It was me who called the police'' the boy said quickly. I knew it! But why? He could get himself killed.
'' But why sweetie? You could get yourself killed'' I said and looked up at him.
'' I know, but, you reminds me of my sister'' he said and grinned
'' Okay, then, say hello to her from me'' I smiled
'' I can't she's dead. She committed suicide''
'' I'm so sorry do you want to come in?'' I asked nicely. it looked like he hesitated a few seconds before he stepped into the warmth.
'' Do you want some tea?'' I asked
'' No thank you'' he replied. It was then I remembered I don't know his name.
'' What's your name?'' I asked as both of us sat down on the couch.
'' Nick'' he replied shyly again.
'' How old are you'' I continued
'' 15'' he replied once again.

Suddenly the door opened. I stood up and walked to the hall. It was Harry.
'' Hi'' I smiled
'' Hello beautiful'' he grinned back, but it faded as soon as he saw Nick's shoes.
'' Who's here?'' he asked and walked into the living room where Nick was.
'' What the fuck are you doing here?!'' Harry growled and Nick was scared.
'' Harry stop it! You will scare him'' I exclaimed, but he didn't listen. He grabbed Nick in the shirt and pushed him up against the wall.
'' Are here to spy on her or something? If that's the case I will kill you'' Harry growled.
'' N-n-o I promise'' Nick stuttered. Harry dropped him to the ground and he was just going to punch him. But I stood between them.
'' Stop it!'' I screamed as loud as I can.
'' But he is a dick who works for him'' Harry said angrily. I grabbed Harry's head between my hands and I looked deep into his eyes.
'' Shhh, Harry, take it easy. He won't hurt me, he called the police'' I talked slowly.
'' Can you just ask him to leave?'' Harry said quietly. I nodded.
'' Can you leave? You can maybe come by tomorrow?'' I asked Nick and he nodded and left.
'' Faith, I love you more than my life, you need to understand that'' Harry said.

Harry's POV

I looked into Faith's ice blue eyes.
'' Faith, I love you more than my life, you need understand that you're my world'' I said
'' I love you too'' she said and kissed me. Her hands traveled up my upper body. She tugged at my curls, which turns me on so much. A low moan escaped my lips as I pressed her against the wall.
'' Jump'' I whispered. She did what she was told and wrapped her legs around my waist. My big hand went under her shirt and as soon as I touched her goose bumps appeared on her skin. My lips traveled from her lips to her neck. She moaned and I smiled as I continued to kiss her neck. As I kissed her neck Faith started to unbutton my shirt buttons.

So I hope you like this chapter guys!

Love you!!<3

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