let's spill tea pt 2

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What in the fuck is going on??¿¿??

So I'm minding my business today, doing my thing. I'm on wattpad working on new stories then I venture over to twitter. No harm in that right?


#madisonbeerisoverparty is now trending. Johnson decided to post a video spilling tea and had receipts ready to expose Madison for leaking the video herself.

Imma pause real quick to mention Taylor Caniff (is that how you spell it) is using this beef, that involves him in no way, to be relevant. This is where I throw my head back in laughter. Anyway...

I'm not even gonna comment on this shit. Both Gilinsky and Madison are a fucking mess. Johnson was defending his best friend, no reason to be mad at him. I wanna hear what you guys have to say but seeing as there were some hiccups last time, lemme lay down some ground rules

1) DONT BE RUDE or i will personally come to your comment and drag you myself. disrespect is not tolerated. state your opinions politely and go.

2) not everyone thinks the same so don't get upset if someone doesn't share your opinion. it's called spilling tea, not choking on it if the flavor isn't what you wanted.

3) please avoid using negative words in regards to people involved in the situation (slut, whore, bitch, hoe, etc) leave it at problematic and other less vulgar synonyms. we may be spilling tea, but keep it clean

bout to be a life motto^^

i leave you with this beautiful gif and let's get started

i leave you with this beautiful gif and let's get started

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