Meghan's POV:
My mood has drastically gotten worse. I learned that with all my stress, I am putting my baby in danger. Well, babies. Yup, two. Thanks to bar guy I am now carrying two children. This remarkably rare occurrence, is known as superfoetation. Basically, our bodies normally tell the body to stop producing eggs by releasing the hormone HCG - which is produced only when an egg is fertilized. And guess what my body didn't register? This. Anyway, I have been ordered to stay in bed for twenty four hours to get the baby to relax again and decrease my blood pressure. The absolute worse thing was when Stephen came in with Mallory and collected all of Charlie's things. My blood pressure went through the roof. Stephen finally told me when they were just about to leave, they were going back to New Jersey and he didn't know when they would return and that Charlie had woken up. That's it. Nothing else. I've been trying to remain calm but after getting no reply from anyone, I start to panic. My stomach suddenly clenches and I bend over in pain."Fuck!" I scream out. As soon as it ends, I slowly lay back down and try to rest but my brain is spinning. I hear a knock on my door and the little hope I have is hoping it's a Puth; I don't care who. Emmy steps in and hands me a mug. I lift it to my nose and smell the chocolatey goodness.
"Thank you." I whisper, starting to cry.
"I'm sorry, it's just hormones." I reply, wiping my tears away.
"Oh yeah..." Emmy answers picking up a folder on my desk.
"And symptoms that are up in coming are... vomiting, nausea, constant urge to pee, tender boobs, fatigue, dizziness, excessive hunger, food cravings, food diversions, and unexpected emotions!" Emmy says an announcer, like voice. I giggle slightly and she lays down with me.
"You know what we should do?" I ask.
"Post a picture.... of my bump." I whisper.
"Really?" She asks and I nod. 28 pictures later, I post one of them to my Instagram of just me in my cardigan. (A/N: last chapter) After plugging my phone in, I become suddenly exhausted and fall asleep.
Emmy's POV:
When Meghan finally falls asleep, I quickly grab my phone and exit her room. I start to call Stephen when I decide against it and call Charlie. After the fifth call, I finally get to him."Emmy? It says Emmy as the contact name. Well whoever you are, please stop calling Charles' phone. He has just woken up and he doesn't need this. Good day." His mom says and hangs up. I groan and head downstairs. I grab my car keys and head to the hospital.
Mikaela's POV:
"We are just going for lunch do NOT let anyone in this room unless they are immediate family." Mom says to a security guard outside of Charlie's room. Meghan has been texting all of us and it really hurts to not tell her what's going on. Charlie was awake when I arrived and he was in so much pain, the doctor gave him morphine and left it at that. Charlie was barely able to utter a word before he fell back to asleep. I look through her recent messages and sigh; She just went to her first prenatal without him and it might be her last if she keeps stressing about this. I finally give in and text her,"Charlie is on meds and asleep. Mom is making us go back to NJ after he heals. Mal coming with. Rm 1790. Say ur fam." I quickly reply and stick my phone into my pocket. I follow everyone downstairs and to the cafeteria. We all manage to find something to eat and sit down at one of the tables.
"I'm so glad your here with us Mallory." Mom says laying one of her hands on one of Mal's.
"Of course! I know the Meghan situation is really bothering you but I love your family so much!" She smiles. I roll my eyes and start to pick at my salad. I check my phone and surprised not to see any messages from Meghan. When I look back up, my mom is talking about what we should do once we get back to New Jersey.
"I'm so excited that I get to spend two weeks with you!" Mallory squeals. I shake my head slightly and look around the room when I spot Emmy. As soon as her eyes fall on mine she marches over.
"What the fuck!" She screams.
"Excuse me?" My mother replies.
"What the hell is going on?! Why isn't Meghan allowed to see the father of her baby?!" She yells.
"Oh! Now I recognize you. Now leave before I call security."
"Oh my god! What the hell is going on?!"
"Emmy calm down, please." I beg.
"Not you too! It isn't right! This whole thing is fucked up and I'm fighting for my best friend! She can't do this without Charlie and I right by her side!" She yells.
"Well Charles doesn't remember her, okay?!" My mom yells. Everyone gasps and Emmy takes a step forward.
"What?" I ask.
"Charles has Amnesia. He remembers himself and everyone here except Mallory." She mumbles.
"Oh shit." Emmy says.

A Very Marlie Christmas
FanfictionMeghan Trainor and Charlie Puth have made a song and a music video together, kissed on television, and much more. Through it all, they remained best friends. When everyone else sees it but themselves how will a week of Christmas spirit and togethern...