Meghan's POV:
My house is filled with pink and blue streamers all over the ceiling and bundles of balloons lining the floor. The couch is pushed back slightly and dozens of chairs sit i front of it. I head into the kitchen and see platters of veggies, fruit, and cheese. I hear the doorbell start to ring and I quickly pop a grape into my mouth and speed walk to the front door. When I open it, dozens of my friends and family are standing on the other side."Hello! Hello! Hey! Hi!" I say as greet people entering my home. Everyone reaches in for hugs and starts to talk but I politely push them away and explain that I will be making my rounds after the "ceremony." Once all of my guests have arrived, I make my way into my living room and blush at all the "ahhs." All the chairs are full and some have even migrated to the floor. I smile at everyone and make my way to the front of my fireplace.
"Emmy is the live stream working?" I ask. She nods and gives me a thumbs up from behind her phone.
"Hey everyone! Thank you so much for coming! As you all know, the father can sadly not be here for certain reasons and I am so thankful for all the support and love you all have shown me these past few months. I could not have done it without you!" I say, crying slightly. Everyone claps and I give a small laugh, wiping away my tears.
"First thing, I really wanna get this out of the way. It's been weighing on my chest for awhile and I can't wait to tell you who the future god parents are." I say and immediately the girls start pointing to themselves while the guys just sit there staring at them.
"So the god parents were extremely hard to pick. Ladies, if I could, I would choose all of you to be the baby's god mother but I had to choose one." I say and again they all start pointing to themselves. Everyone laughs and I smile,
"This lovely lady has been there for me through everything. Through the thick and thin and every step. And I want her to be there for this one's. She's also super great with kids and if anything were to happen me-"
"Knock on wood!" My momma yells and everyone laughs.
"Yes, knock on wood. I would want this girl to have the baby, to make sure it's taken care of, has a nice home and has someone there for them. So, the god mother of the baby is..."
"Emmy Palmer!" I say and everyone claps. Emmy runs up to me and hugs me and I laugh and hug her back.
"Thank you, Meggie." She says pulling away and wiping under her eyes.
"Em! No, don't do that." I say turning away fanning my eyes. Everyone laughs and I hug her one more time before she goes and sits down.
"Now for the god father." The guys start to clap and point to who they think it's going to be.
"This guy is amazing and fabulous. He has also been there for me and helping me out a lot. From paint colors to maternity outfits, I can always count on him. And sadly, he cannot be here today due to him being sick and refusing to come near me while he is. The god father is... Fancy!" I yell and everyone claps.
"Moving on... Now Emmy here has been working super hard this last week for this party. She put up a poster board, over there." I say and point to a small table with a poster board filled with post-its.
"Wow you guys are fast. But I'm going to explain it to all my lovely viewers. The poster board has a line down the middle, one side for boy name suggestions and the other side for girl names. My guests wrote on either pink or blue post-its and stuck it to the appropriate side! So I will take a look at that later after I find out the gender. Emmy also cut out little mustaches and pink lips and taped them to long bamboo skewers so each guest could pick whether they were rooting for a big or girl. Can you all hold your guess up?" I ask. Everyone holds their skewer up and I smile. Half and Half.
"Wait! Meghan! What about you?" My mother yells.
"Oh yeah!" I blush and go over to the table I pick out one mustache and one lip.
"Meghan! You can only pick one!" Chloe laughs.
"Oh yeah! But the thing is.... I'm having twins!" I yell and everyone gasps.
"Yeah! So I think one will be a boy and the other a girl." I smile. Emmy moves from behind her phone and grabs a box.
"In here are two pairs of shoes. Blue for a boy and pink for a girl." She says. I open the lid and close my eyes. I reach in and feel around the box. I finally find the shoes and pull out both pairs. When they are out of the box, I hear lots of gasps. I open my eyes and look at the crowd but see they weren't looking at the shoes but at something completely different.
A Very Marlie Christmas
FanfictionMeghan Trainor and Charlie Puth have made a song and a music video together, kissed on television, and much more. Through it all, they remained best friends. When everyone else sees it but themselves how will a week of Christmas spirit and togethern...