"Cami time to go to bed." I said. Walking up the stairs to the attic where Cami was was playing with her toys.
"Ok mommy." Cami said getting up walking down to go to bed.
"Goodnight I love you." I say as i am tucking her in.
"Mommy, When is Daddy coming home?" Cami asked while being in the princess pjs.
"I don't know baby. But I promise when he gets here he will have donuts." I say feeling very exchausted.
"Ok I love you Mommy." Cami said and I kissed her on the forhead and went out of the room.
I went downstairs grabbed a bootle of open whine and had a glass and I called Kol.
"Hello Love."
"Hey I was wondering did the spell work?"
"Ya it did."
"So do you want me to meet you in New Orleans" I ask and yawn.
"No get some sleep I am already leaving I will meet you there and we will go together."
"Ok I love you. Hey can you get donuts?"
"Sure thing love. I love you too."
Then I hang up put the dishes in the dish washer and go to bed.
After Davina hungup.
"You didn't tell her I was coming with you" Rebekah said.
"Well it will be a suprise."
"Ok whatever. " Rebekah sais smilling.
"We need to pick up donuts." I say looking over to Rebekah who was in the passenger seat. We are 10 blocks away from where me and Davina live.
As we walk through te door of my house I put the donuts on the table and see that Davina had a glass of whine. I walk upstairs and peer into Cami's room and see her sleeping soundly. Then I walk into my bedroom and me Davian sleeping soudly too. She is wearing some shorts and a tank top. I take off my shirt and jeans through on some sweats and lay next to her and fall asleep. I told Rebekah she could sleep in the spare bedroom