Lets Have Some Background First?

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A/n: So these are our boys~ Also disclaimers! Any art we use is probably not ours until we had said it was. And thank you TrinityBelle3  for forcing me to write this. Lol. I'm just gonna have fun with this one. These guys had been in my head since I stopped writing two years ago? Hahaha. But they're kind of based off of friends I have in real life. Just...gender swapped? And more fantasies. Have fun! And we hope you like the boys!

Daichi Ashad

A bit emotionally inept

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A bit emotionally inept. He knows what emotions are just seems a bit cold. He can almost just turn off sometimes or look like he's turned off. He's emotionless kind of (not really soft boy just doesn't know how to express these feels????). He also has 3 bunnies and a puppy. He lives with several people in his family. From his cousins family and from his own family. He has a large house. He's sweet when he wants to be albeit also a little sadistic. Known to be somewhat as the cold one but really he's one of the sweetest people you'll meet. Like literally you'll love him to bits when he's with his small animals. (even though he complains about them a lot.) Basically he's cold but really warm when you get to know him. (also add again he's somewhat sadistic. He is a sarcastic little ehem and is very blessed with a potty mouth not meant for kids. Also another thing...he dances ballet and is a literal meme.) He likes kids but kids don't like him...he tries. Physical traits that define him away from the rest is his height. He's the tallest of all the members and he has dark, straight, black hair. With dark brown eyes. His skin is like coffee with milk that has been poured in generously.

Prounciation- (Da-ee-chee) (A-shad) 

Prixtin Anijer (Pix)

Prixtin Anijer (Pix)

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He is very strange. One moment he can be quiet and professional. The other he can be hyper and just a bit maniacal. He seems to change depending on his mood and also very pervertish at times. Though he knows when he shouldn't be. He known for his behavior in different situations. While bright in school, he often gets in trouble because of his antics out side. He has a little sister whom he feels insecure next to. And is often seen drooling over (2D) women and men alike.(mostly men) He's known around school as a massive Masochist. However he is really sweet to whom he talks to. He tries to be kind at least or he's actually kind of shy. No one really knows. (though he's certainly not shy to show off what he knows in knowledge of bed. Wink wonk. However a pure gentlemen at heart and he wouldn't force himself upon anyone. He isn't shy about what he's into either. That boy...needs jesus. Just a thing...he loves rope and cuffs...not to tie anyone else in it. No that's for himself.) Physical traits he has is the fact that if lined up together Pix is the second shortest. Or to put it more positive he's the third tallest! He has wavy black hair and dark brown eyes just like Daichi above. Though out of the 4 he has the tannest skin. Almost like a coffee bean of a light shade.

Pronunciation- (Prix-ton) (An-i-jer)

Tiny Winan Enaid (Ti-wi)

Tiny Winan Enaid (Ti-wi)

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Ti-wi...ah little Ti-wi. His name is literally tiny. Hahahaha! He is what you literally call sunshine. An adorable person known to the world and in O4. The members do whatever it takes to protect the smol boy. Though don't ever look down on him. He's got one of the sharpest tongues in the group. If not the sharpest tongue. He knows how to stand for himself but it never seems he does because of the fact that the others love to protect him. He just has an attitude that only the heavens know. (Daichi and Aheno do the most protecting. Honestly Pix is more of a comforter. Lol) He is really sweet honestly adorable. Always tries his best and to the rest of the school he's almost the mascot of the group. It's unknown if he's a sadist or a masochist but with his antics it seems he's more sadistic. He's the only male in the group with bright dirty blonde hair. His eye color is also peculiar. With green, gray, and blue within them. They shift depending on the time of day, sometimes it looks blue sometimes it's gray. His height....well he's lacking in that area. Literally the smol of the group. He shorter than most of the school. He has pale skin. In fact he's paler than the boys. In basic merits he's white. Ehem. Sorry. Also he's known for his hyper energy that sometimes curves into a serious one at that.

Pronunciation- (Tye-nee) (Wi-na-n) (Ena-eed) (tee-wee)

Aheno Aleta

Aheno Aleta

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Aha...this boy loves his food. His friends are pretty sure that he'd eat anything. Though he still stays surprisingly thin. How? We don't know. His stomach is literally a black hole. He doesn't like showing any weaknesses, so at first he may come off as standoffish even cruel. Though this boy is literally tough. Like holy cow he can and will beat you up if you push him too far...well not beat you up. More like you'll get the verbal smack down you deserve and maybe a punch. But the punch is rare. Don't worry. He's the most loyal person you'll meet too. Get him to be your friend and he'd go to hell and back for you with the payment of food. He's honestly really kind. Though his attitude is again like no other. He will talk smack in front of you if you asked if this dress looks good. Like literally this man has no filter. Except around his parents maybe. Though still he really has no filter, he will state what he thinks and why. The guy sports brown hair that is quite long that he ties in in a ponytail every school day. (Or man bun. lol.) Dark brown eyes again and tan skin. Like coffee with just a little milk. Only a little.

Pronunciation- (A-heh-no) (A-le-ta)

Living arrangements: Pix and Aheno live in the same apartment complex. With Aheno on the 3rd floor and Pix on the 4th. Aheno lives with his large family but has a room on his own. Pix lives with his family as well. With a room by himself. Their apartment complex is in walking distance to their high school. Which at times they bike to. Ti-wi lives with his family...which he wants out of. He might move out. Which will stay unknown until then. Lives around 2 stations away from school and lives in a modern house as of now. Daichi lives in a more modern japanese style house. Which is quite large. Living on the second floor and with many members of family. He lives around 4 stations away from school. No one knows why he still continues to go to the same highschool as the others.

A/N: Also these guys are all generally good dudes...eeeehhhh..they have their times. We hope you enjoy them!

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