Let the Gaymes Begin

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A/n: *cracks knuckles* Hooooo, let's do this! Also. Uh...idk. But if you don't like swearing. Un. Yeah. You might have a horrid time.

Also. Um. The one is First Person. Can be either gender. Or none if you wish. Uh...if I did mistake and place a pronoun then uh..please tell me?

Breathing in deeply I walk into the world, their world. Walking out of the dark tunnel of reality and I was blinded by a flash of light. Is this where the heavenly deity comes down and take me- oh nope. The light filters out and the sound of a bell rings clear in the distance. Tall trees, full of pink blossoms. Students milling about, all decorated in their uniforms. Which was basically a white button up, a school blazer or school sweater or even both, on top. And a bow or tie around their necks. Skirts or pants on either student that felt better wearing any. With me standing under the school gate. My bated breath escaping from my lips. The school crest gleams upon the students. 

A group of laughing boys tackle each other, telling their friends what happened to them this weekend. A group of girls and a single male were taunting what seemed to be another group in all good fun. A few couples were seen milling around, probably spouting cheesy lines. My eyes take in each piece of color in this world. Each shine of a zipper on a bag, and every petal that falls to the ground. I look down seeing that I myself sported a uniform. Huffing I walk through the gate. Hoping that this...will turn out just fine. Whatever 'this' is.

The way the petals flurry down when the wind blows pleases me. With the soft rustle and people laughing. This was all picturesque. Perfect. Serene-

"HONESTLY! WHO THE FUCK WON'T DATE HER?! SHE'S LIKE THE GREATEST!" A loud voice announces. The student's eyes fly to the owner of it. My own don't like being different from the crowd, mimics. I see a boy with long brown hair. Tied into a low ponytail. Small rogue curls had escaped the band of rubber. His first button on his uniform undid. He sports no school tie, but the school blazer was neatly buttoned. His hands were balled into fists and a glare that would make even the sun cry was sewn onto it. His attention was on a black haired boy. Whom was strangely enough smiling at him. The brown haired male was definitely taller then him. But for some reason he looked non threatened.

"Well. You know Aheno, the script writers have to do what they have to do." The black haired boy shrugs. A laugh escaping his lips as he looks up at the boiling brunette. A lazy smile plastered on his face, amusement in his eyes. The brunette huffs and mutters about how stupid the drama was. With a few more insults he had pulled from the naughty word bag. He looks just agitated enough to slam a person against the wall. Though apparently this brunette was named Aheno. Good info. He grunts and runs a hand through his hair. Then he looks up. Meeting my eyes for the first time. Oh god.

They were closed off things. Like he won't open up until later. Fire was hidden in those gates to the soul. He purses his plush lips. Wait...

"Hey do you think they're staring?" The brunette, or Aheno, says to the smaller boy. His eyes bore into mine. They spark with a challenge that asked for answers. Then the one with darker hair turned to me. Curiosity in those eyes, they examine me piece by piece. Oh no.

"Huh? Oh...them? Um.." he raises a hand and gives me a toothy grin. Though you could still feel the hesitation. His eyes crinkling and he opens a mouth to say an unsure greeting. But embarrassed with the fact that I had stared at the brunette, I run. Straight into what I deemed the building with the teachers' lounge. The boy looked confused at first as he watches me escape.

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