Episode Sixteen (Clip Two)

143 10 11

----('Lightning Dance' starts playing)----

(Countdown will be in Mandarin)
"五 wu.........四 shi.........三 san.......
二 er.......一 yi.....Go!!!!" JL drop his left hand down as Louis and Akihiro stepped on the gas

The tyres of both cars skid and they took off, leaving the crowd cheering behind for them.

"Let's go Louis!!!" Joel yelled from behind.

The AMG accelerated leaving the metallic blue Dodge Viper behind, confusing everyone.

"Hey, the Dodge Viper isn't taking the lead! What is he thinking?" A racing fan observed.

"He could have easily lose the AMG in the straights, but he's letting it take the lead?!" Another fan wailed.

"Man, this is getting interesting he's going to observe the AMG from behind!"

Airi watched the two cars go downhill. She smiled

"The outcome of the match doesn't matter, it only matters as long as they race at their best." She admired them. "Come on the both of you, give us your best!!"
The white AMG was leading in front, Akihiro was behind putting pressure on him. They were about to fly into the next corner. Louis downshifted and drifted. Akihiro did the same, going at a speed that shocked Louis.

"Damn it." He accelerated, drifting out as the Dodge Viper followed behind. The crowd stationed beside the guardrail was cheering.

"Amazing, their already showing their best at the beginning of the race!" A spectator gasped.

"Man, I got the chills." His friend felt it. " This is gonna decide who's the fastest of the Elemental Drifters."

The Mercedes sped up on the straights and braked on seeing the next corner. He downshifts and did a braking drift around it. Akihiro observing from behind.

"Impressive." Akihiro thought, watching Louis from behind. "His counter steer was horrible the last time I battled him, but now his line is incredible almost as if he's a professional."

"And he improved this much in just three months?! I must have underestimated him." Akihiro admitted. The two cars braked and twin drifted around a U-bend turn.

"But the results will be the same, with me crossing the finish first!" He stepped on the gas, putting pressure on Louis behind.

"He's gaining on me!" Louis felt the headlights of the Dodge Viper getting closer, brighter. He grunts, shifting to fourth gear to widen the gap.

Both racers saw a hairpin closing in. They downshifted and counter steered. Parallel drifting only centimetres apart from each other. The tyres burning on the asphalt. Louis exited the corner swiftly.

Another corner closing in. Louis pressed the acceleration and entered the corner at a speed. He power drifted so fast that he left a bright aura behind him, shocking Akihiro a bit.

"There it is." Akihiro did the same power drift. "Could that be the perk of the Light Element? It's just a simple aura emitting from his drift."

"Doesn't matter, I didn't came to battle this wormhead to know his powers, it's my pride at stake here."

Leaving a blue aura with electrical sparks behind. He closed the gap with Louis.

"What?!" Louis's rear-view mirror flickered. "That was my fastest entry speed and he's still on my tail?"

"This guy isn't what I thought of." Louis mumbled as the Dodge Viper behind emitted it's electrical aura. "He isn't the oppenent that will be easy for me."

Louis grunts on seeing an S-hairpin. He downshifts and pulled the handbrake. Inertia drifting, tackling the hairpin but the Dodge Viper followed him without the gap being widen.

"My inertia drift didn't work?!" Louis thought on seeing the monster Dodge Viper behind him. "He isn't an opponent I could defeat after all."

"Damn it, I'm going at my best here! I thought I can beat him but he's still on my tail! So what the heck am I doing wrong?!"

Louis saw a corner closing in, he pressed the gas hardly and went into the corner.

"Louis, you went in to fast!" Mercy yelled. But it was too late as they had already entered the turn. The hoody counter steered his AMG.

Akihiro watched from behind. The AMG was sliding into the guardrail of the right bend turn. "You won't be able to turn at that speed you Baka (idiot)!"

Louis was skidding. "DAMN IT!!!! TURN!!"

The AMG's back bumper banged into the guardrail. Louis lost control but manages to counter steer into the right direction. Akihiro power drifted perfectly and passed Louis from the inside.

"He may have impressive techniques, but he has to accept the fact that he's still a rookie." The Dodge Viper drifted into a corner and excited at full speed. "I know the corners of this course better than anyone else so might as well I settle the match now!"

The Dodge Viper began to pull away but Louis manage to stay on it's tail. They drifted into a corner and exited out. Leaving the crowd cheering them both on as they flew past them.

Akihiro super drifted into a corner with Louis at a five second gap behind him and was closing in fast.

"I'm closing the gap, their no difference in horsepower now, I probably have as much power as him." Louis thought as he side-brake drift into the next corner. "If this is so, I should shorten the gap as much as I can!"

They power drifted into the next hairpin turn, the AMG hugging the inside line continue pressuring Akihiro who noticed the headlights behind him.

Louis and Mercy could feel how powerful they become, drifting into the left bend curve at a shocking speed. "Let's go mercy!!!!" They admitted a bright aura.

Akihiro glanced at his rear view mirror and saw the Mercedes tailgating furiously.

"Nan dato! (What the hell!)" He yelled. There was a bright white monster behind him, sticking on his bumper.

"So this is what it feels like to battle the Light!" Akihiro felt the AMG getting closer. "Man, I haven't felt this adrenaline rush for a long time!"

The Dodge Viper accelerated and arc drifts around a U-bend turn. He glanced at Louis on his side mirror and floor the gas.

(Music ends)
(At hairpin no.30)

"Wow you raced him before?" Rachel asked Taiki in astonishment.

The jap nodded. "Yeah, he was the craziest oppenent I've ever race. He even started drifting backwards through an S-hairpin turn!"

Rachel was shocked.

"Damn, that was a race I'll never forget." Taiki said.

Rachel: *grips her hands in anger with a dangerous aura* "Damn Louis why didn't you tell me you were a pro racer before!!!"

Taiki: "Arrrr... miss?" *sweating behind*

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