Episode Eighteen

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"Breaking news!! Earth is under attack by unidentified ships!"

"There were people running and screaming everywhere...." Louis mumbled to himself. "They didn't even know what was coming."

"They just came out of the sky!"

"There is chaos everywhere!"

There were scenes of the police and military officers shooting directly at the invader's ships, but their bullets bounced off harmlessly from the thick alien metal.

There were a lot of people. Running, screaming chaos was everywhere.

"The end is near!!!"

"Where all gonna die!"

"Where my daughter!? She was just with me!!"

Louis: "And it was all my fault......"

(The Pentagon, Washington DC, United States)

Never has there been a meeting so huge that evening. The world leaders were all gathered to discuss the crisis they were facing. Some countries found themselves sitting next to their other rival countries, but it didn't matter. Now the world had one big enemy to fight.

"This is outrageous!!! We need to do something here!!" A world leader demanded, hitting the table in anger.

"We can supply troops to fight the enemy." The leader of Russia volunteered. Speaking in English with a heavy accent.

"I agree, we need to fight back! I say we call up a nuclear strike if we have to!!" The leader of China said.

"But we are not gonna turn are cities into war zones! Maybe we should just negotiate with the enemy and find peace." Suggested another leader.

"Negotiate?! Didn't you see how much the casualties had rose?! They want war!!!"

And the members of the Untied Nations began to quarrel. They all had different thoughts.

"If they want war!! Then they'll get war!!!"

"No, we do not know what they're capable of! We might make things worst!!"


And the voices of the world leaders died down. The president of the United States put down his left hand and spoke.

"My dear friends, I know we are at a huge crises here, and I know we all want to try are best to stop it. But quarreling with one another isn't gonna work. We got to find a solution!" The president spoke boldly.

"Excuse me Mr. president of the United States but we've heard you had captured members of the enemy is that true?" A woman world leader asked.

"Yes, it's true." The president replied.

"Then, let's behead them!!! They're all a threat to mankind!!"

"No, let's threatened the enemy with their own comrades!!"

The meeting room was filled with chaos. The president soon walked out of the room quietly while he still could.
Episode Eighteen~The End???

The hallway was white and empty, only the squeaking sounds of the president's brown leather shoes were heard. He walked down the hallway without worrying about the world.

Two armed guards were stationed in front of the cell guarding it. Smoking assault rifles were in their hands. They stepped aside on seeing the president.

"He's been on a good behavior today sir." The guard on the left commented.

"Of course." Was the president's reply.

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