Chapter Thirteen

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Rong Wang was on the verge of making his way through the doors when Feng Ming moved with lightening speed to barricade him. His reaction speed was akin to a cat that had its tail treaded on

"Don't go in!"

Rong Wang was baffled by his sudden insistence.

"Why?" he asked his eyes boring down onto his lover. 

"Because...because..." Feng Ming's frantic eyes locked onto Rong Tian's own, his hands reached to dab at the sweat beading off his forehead.

"That's because my sleeping pallet is not big enough for the two of us to share!"

He nervously observed Rong Wang's reaction in fear the man was suspicious of his hidden agenda. 

Rong Wang cast a fleeting confused look at the closed doors, then, as if it suddenly dawned upon him, a gentle smile grew from his lips.

"Is that so?" he commented before he stepped forwards and sandwiched the Prince between him and the cold wood of the entry

His large hand reached up to lightly caress Feng Ming's lips, before bending his own to spoil them with a soft kiss. He pulled the young man into his arms.

"Standing outside at this temperature is turning you to ice." Rong Tian's seductive magnetism quickly distracted Feng Ming's initial motives of his guilty conscience.

"If the bed is unfitting, why don't you rest on top of me?" With that said, Rong Tian kicked the doors open and whisked the Prince inside. He lifted the boy effortlessly into his arms before striding towards the bedchamber.  The warm air moved like currents embracing their chilled forms. The room was fragrant and threads of smoke danced in the air from the daily incense that Chiu Lan had set alit.

Soon the pair was directly across from the bed in which Lie Er laid.

"The bed is spacious enough." The King judged, glancing down at Feng Ming who was nestled in the crook of his arms. Feng Ming's heart could just about bungee jump from his chest, his face paled. "As long as you feel it is big enough."

Inwardly, he added - Three will be a crowd...

The delicate tassels highlighted the fine drapery that hung on the bed frame creating a private cloaked space for within. It was this cover that was prolonging the agony.

Feng Ming watched Rong Tian in gripping silence as the older man carried him step by step closer to where an imminent storm brewed, spelling his doom

He prayed.

God, I hope Lie Er was smart enough to hear us and made his way out without a trace.

Please be an empty bed.

It has to be an empty bed! Otherwise I am a dead man...

With his eyes shut and deep in prayer, a soft and attractive voice waffled from behind the partition.

"Prince has finally returned, why was Prince out for such a length of time?"

Rong Tian halted in his footsteps with the unexpected voice. He coldly stared at the drapes before slowly turning his attention to the man in his arms and giving Feng Ming a condescending look

The eyes glaring into him made Feng Ming tremble with fear his guts harbored a foreboding feeling that Rong Tian would violently rape him as punishment

Even if he didn't have sex with Lie Er, Rong Wang would never believe him.

Grotesque and disturbing images of sick and twisted revenge taken out by jealous men from Ancient history flashed in Feng Ming's mind. Oh, he trembled from top to toe.

FENG YU JIU TIAN [VOLUME TWO]Where stories live. Discover now