~Chapter 1-5 days before the party~

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Mystic: Hi, everybody! *Grins* I'm happy that I finally get to write this story! Fnaf is my favorite horror game, especially the 4th game of the series, which is of course the game that this story is based on.

Mystic: I just felt so bad for poor crying child and every time I hear "Dear Brother", I cry. So sad!! So, I decided to write story on Fnaf 4. 

Mystic: I hope you guys enjoy!! 


A child with chocolate brown scruffed up hair sobbed as he pounded against the door. "Please...! Please let me out!" He begged between cries, only to of course receive no answer from his big brother. He had locked the child in his room all alone, again. He just continued to pound on the door and shout out begs, his voice getting lower each time. "It's no use." Fredbear said. "He's not going to let you out anytime soon. We both know that." The child only sniffled as he fell to his knees and continued to sob. "Leo..." Fredbear said with a sigh, feeling pain to see the child like that.

"...I just don't know why he hates me so much..." The brown haired boy wailed weakly. It was true, too. Leo just couldn't understand why his brother despised him and treated him so badly. What did he ever do to him to deserve this? Maybe... did Leo ever hurt him? ...No. He didn't. At least if that was true, he couldn't remember what he did to hurt his brother. It wasn't like he wanted to hurt him if that was the case. Leo thought that his big brother was the coolest person in the whole world. He was always so brave, unlike Leo, who was such a crybaby over the littlest things all of the time. His brother was also very handsome for his age. Leo didn't think too highly of himself, due to him being insecure, so he sincerely doubted he was even close to being as good looking as the older boy.

Plus... his brother was always so strong all of the time. Physically and mentally. Never has he ever seen him cry. Not once. Not even when the incident with their parents happened... while Leo was sobbing his heart out, his brother just stood there with a blank expression, not shedding a tear. Or maybe he cried when he went to sleep. Either way, his brother was very strong, that much was certain. And out of all of the traits, that was the one that Leo adored the most. He loved his brother despite all that he's done to Leo. After all, his brother was all that he had left.

 Leo sniffled once again and trudged over to his bed, climbing up on it. His blanket was kicked on the ground and he was far too tired to get it. The young boy cried out the remaining tears that he had in him before he gradually fell alsleep.

"It's hilarious,Nate!" One of Nate's best friends, Chase chuckled. "Yeah! Your brother's such a baby!" Another one of his best friends, Ryan laughed hard. "He's probably going to be like this when he's six, too! What a little crybaby!!" Nate's final and closest best friend, Griffin snickered. 

Nate joined in on the laughter, ignoring his confusion of why his stomach tied in even tighter knots as he let out each chuckle. 

"Speaking of that loser," Chase commented,"What are your parents going to do for his birthday?" 

Nate froze. Oh, crap. He forgot all about that! What was he supposed to say? He needed to come up with something, and fast!

 Abruptly, a light bulb appeared in his head. 

"Umm... actually," Nate sighed. He ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair, his golden brown eyes fixated on the ground. 

"My parents are out of town and they won't be back for a couple of weeks so... we really don't have any plans..." 

"Wait..." Chase commented with a taken aback expression. "Your parents are out of town for some kind of business trip and missing their own youngest son's birthday?" 

Nate nodded gradually,"Pretty much, yeah," 

"That's really selfish, isn't it?" Ryan asked, Nate nodded. "That's my parents for you...." He flat out lied. 

Suddenly, Griffin smirked and turned to his best friends. "Hey, I've got the perfect idea!" 

Nate raised a brow as they walked into the kitchen and got out some juices. "What exactly do you have in mind, Griff?" He asked as he poked the straw into the box. 

"Okay, so you know how much Leo hates that Fazbear restaurant?" The others nodded. "It's so simple! We'll just plan his birthday party there! It'll be fun and hilarious to see his reaction!!" 

"That sounds great, Griffin." Nate said, a smirk appearing. "But who's gonna plan it and get all of the stuff?" 

The other boy just snickered,"Umm, duh? Me and my parents will! And Ryan's and Chase's parents can chip in as well," Both Ryan & Chase nodded in agreement. 

"So what do you say, Nate?" Ryan asked. "Is it a deal?" 

Nate took a couple of minutes to think this over. It all sounded pretty good. And it would be funny to see Leo's reaction once he finds out that his birthday's going to be at Fazbears.

 Though of course, Nate wouldn't tell him until they were walking on their way there. Plus, Leo facing his fears would probably teach him not to be such a baby all the time. 

He smirked with a chuckle. 

"Sure," Nate said with a big grin,"Deal!" 

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