~Chapter 6-I Miss You~

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A young boy jumped up and down excitedly. "I have a little brother! I have a little brother! Let me see! Let me see! Let me see!"

"Easy, Nate, easy," Chuckled a young man as he grabbed hold of his oldest son's shoulders softly. "Settle down. Stop being so jumpy, you'll scare the baby."

"Sorry..." Nate apologized sheepishly with a grin, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm just excited."

"I know you are. Honey," Said the man as he turned to his wife. "Can he hold him?"

"Of course he can" The woman riposted with a tired grin. "Just have him sit down and show him how to hold a baby properly."

Nate smiled as the baby boy was passed from his mother's arms to his father's arms, and finally into his arms. He held the human boy how his father showed him. "He looks so cute and tiny," Nate commented. He looked up at his mother. "Mom, what will you name him?"

"Aurelio. His name is Aurelio." His mother replied and winked, "Leo for short."

"Leo... I think I like it!" Nate grinned.

"We knew you would." His father said and the two adults began chatting with each other quietly.

Nate turned away and whispered, "Hey, little bro. I know you can't hear me but, I promise that I'll always be there for you and I'll always be a good brother. Just... put up with me when I'm a pain, okay?" The boy's heart skipped a beat when Leo grinned and reached out to touch his nose.

"Hey, don't get all mushy on me now." Nate teased with a chuckle. He continued to cradle his brother in his arms with a big grin.


Leo shot up in his bed, holding back a scream. The poor boy was drenched in cold sweat to the point where his shirt stuck to his back.

Sniffing, the boy gingerly wiped his tears away and climbed out of bed.

Leo peeked into Nate's room and saw that the older boy was sleeping soundly. /Good./ Leo thought. /That means that he won't hear me when I go downstairs to get a drink of water./ With that being said, the boy tip-toed down the stairs and into the kitchen. He huffed as he opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He then began walking back toward the stairs, but paused as a certain room caught his eye. The room door was shut. The boy looked around before sighing and walking over, slowly opening the room door.

It was his mom and dad's room. He hasn't been in here since the funeral. It wasn't because he was too afraid, it was because he's been too sad to ever walk in.

He gulped as he entered the room. Everything looked the same. A Queen Sized Bed with Velvet Red Covers blanketed over it, some framed pictures of oceans, and horses, and meadows hanging on the walls, some beautiful lights hung around on the corners of the walls, a big window horizontally across from the bed with lace white curtains that were closed, and a small white desk next to that window with old, dusty, scattered papers all over with a crimson red empty chair in front of it.

Leo sucked in a shaky breath. He felt his blood run cold as he sat on the bed, fingering the soft fabric. The boy felt tears burn in his eyes. Abruptly, he glanced over at the small black nightstand at the end of what used to be his father's side of the bed. He picked up a picture and gazed at it.

The picture contained the family in the front room. His Mom & Dad were standing next to each other, his father's hands resting on Nate's shoulders. The-5-year old Nate was wearing a big grin as he held baby Leo close to him in the photo. They all seemed to be dressed up, as his mother was wearing a Royal Purple sleeveless dress with a Pearl necklace around her neck and some pearl earrings, her hair tied up in a braid.

She wore some black high heels and Leo could see that she wore a little bit of pink lip gloss that shined in the picture. She was smiling at his father, apparently trying to contain laughter

. His father was wearing a tuxedo with a black tie, and some black dress shoes. His bangs were swept to the side and his eyes showed excitement. He was looking down at Nate with a big grin.

Nate, like their father, was wearing a tuxedo as well, except it had spaghetti sauce all over the shirt part of the tuxedo, some sauce on his face and his brown hair was all tousled and messed up. His brows were raised with a goofy grin and like their mother, he was trying not to laugh, too.

Baby Leo was wearing a small powder blue shirt and tiny black shorts with white socks. Sauce was literally all over his shirt, shorts and socks, and he looked to be giggling his head off.

Back when Leo & Nate's parents were alive, when Leo was 2 and first saw that picture, he could clearly remember his brother walking over to him.


Leo stared curiously at the picture, confused about what was going on. He could barely make out anything that was happening.

"Hey there, little man!" Leo heard his brother say and turned to see Nate walking over in a Red T-Shirt and Black Shorts, white socks and black sneakers. His face and legs, and arms were caked with dirt. Obviously he had been playing outside.

Nate knelt down next to him, "Whatcha looking at?"

Leo pointed at the photo, "Big Brother, what's this?"

"Huh?" The 5-year-old brunette looked up at the picture and grinned, laughing a little bit. "Oh, that! Well, uh," He laughed a little more and rubbed the back of his neck. "Let's just say that the night in the picture, we were going to our dad's friend's daughter's concert, and we were getting ready, but we sort of...uh... struggled with getting you to eat a small snack before we left, so...that's how we got all messy."

"I wasn't too much trouble, was I?" Leo asked, and for a second, he looked anxious.

Nate shook his head nonchalantly. "Nah, you were fine." He stated coolly. "After all, you were only a baby! Anyways, let's head into the Kitchen. Mom and Dad have food prepared."

Leo grinned. "Okay, Big Brother!" Nate ruffled his mop of brown hair and the two walked out of the room together.

*End of Flashback*

After Leo became older than 2 years old, he no longer replaced 'Nate' with 'Big Brother'. He still called him that many times, but most times he called him by his name. Plus, he didn't know why, but after the funeral, he just felt so weird about calling him that. Maybe it was because he knew that after the incident, Nate hated him...

A few drops of water hit the frame and it took Leo a minute to realize that he was crying. However, once he realized that the salty tears were coming from him, he didn't bother stopping them, or trying to stop them .

Tears overflowed in Leo's brown eyes and he hugged the picture frame so tight to his chest, it hurt. He sobbed uncontrollably, small shoulders wrenching. "I miss you so much..." He choked, and cried even harder, forgetting about the world around him.

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