An Invitation of a dream Page 2

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You woke up to the bird singing and the sun shining.

You stood up and got ready for a day in Japan. Of course, grandmother was already awake.

You weren't surprised because it must be her daily routine. She told you where the shower was and you thanked her.

She smiled and you did too. Heading to the shower, you took a quick one and got dress in a plain white dress.

You did your hair perfectly and headed to see grandmother.

You asked," umm I forgot to ask..what can I call you by?"

"Oh, sweetheart, you can call me grandmother"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I would delighted if you did! You're like a granddaughter to me!"

"Okay, grandmother!"

You smiled widely and she smiled at you.

She continued," let's eat breakfast now."

You nodded and she served you a three layer pancakes with (butter/syrup/both).

You took a bite and said," it's delicious!"

"Thank you, sweetheart."

Of course, you finished it all then asked," do you have anything plan today?"

She answered," yes, I have to shop for things like food."

You suggested," if you don't mind I would like to go with you."

"Of course, you can tag along with me."

"Thank you!"

You and grandmother got ready to head out and go shopping.

When you both finally got ready, you two headed out to the stores.

~Time skipped~

You waited for grandmother to finish her shopping which was actually fun.

While waiting, you noticed someone walking up to you. He wore a mask so you couldn't see his face.

He wore a black suit with a purple tie just like the other man.

You looked at him and had a bad feeling.

Although, you didn't run instead you stood there, waiting for his next move.

He stopped walking when he was now in front of you.

Then he handed you a envelope with a crest on it.

You questioned,"who are you?"

He spoke silently," take it."


"Just take it. It's not poison or cursed."

You took it slowly and looked at it for a moment then looked back at him.

You asked," your name?"



"You'll find out, (L/N) (Y/N)."

He turned around and began to walk away. Of course, you weren't going to give up that easily.

You tried to chase him but suddenly a crowd of people blocked you from seeing him.

You stopped and looked around but couldn't find him.

Why me? Who are they?

You headed back to grandmother who noticed you were gone.

She asked concerned,"are you alright, (Y/N)?"

"Yes, sorry to make you worry."

"Well that's a relief."

When it was almost night, you both headed home and you helped carried bags. She really appreciate it.

You still had the envelope in your hand.

When you both got home, you put the bags down on the kitchen floor.

Then you spoke," I'm kinda sleepy so I'm going to miss dinner."

"It's okay, dear. Now go rest your sleepy head."

"Thank you."

You headed to your room and laid on the futon while still holding the envelope.

You stared at it then decided to open it. Carefully, you opened it and inside was a letter.

It read..

Dear (L/N)(Y/N),

   You don't know who we are but we know everything about you. Yes, I agree it is creepy but we only want to talk. Maybe one day, it will be face to face. Straight to the point, I have my eyes on you. I'm saying you're beautiful. I know you don't have a boyfriend nor a crush. We won't hurt you, I promise you that. Although, in return you don't tell anyone you received this letter. I mean NO ONE or else! We'll be waiting in a special place. See you soon, (Y/N).

Sincerely Anonymous Man

Great, he didn't put a name! How can I trust him?

You put the letter back in the envelope and place it in under your pillow.

Thoughts filled up in your mind and you didn't know what to do.

You could only wait for that special place he mentioned in the letter.

But where is this "special place"?

Then your received a text message from your friend.

You looked at your phone and read the text.

Text message said..

To: (L/N)(Y/N)

I hope you're happy in Japan with my grandmother. Good luck! By the way, I heard of a rich,popular casino in Japan. You should definitely try it! I know you would look gorgeous in a dress. Have fun!

From: (Friend's Name)

You smiled then thought about the text.

Wait, casino.  Could the "special place" just be There's only one way to find out.

You searched up the richest and popular casino in Japan on your phone. Thankfully, one result showed up and you felt confident.

The place was called "Matsuno Casino"

You didn't think much about it, you knew one thing though. You would go to that casino and find those mysterious men.

You turned off your phone and fell asleep waiting for tomorrow.

~You have a clue on where to go? Casino, eh? Thanks for reading! Update will be a little slow but it will be updated. I'll be hanging out with my grandma since she came to visit. Thanks for understanding! Have a wonderful day/night!~

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