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Tumini's pov

   I had it all planned.Find something to distract Madam Sheri ,sneak into the shop through the back-door, take the necessary and Get out!    
     Step one-check

     Step two-check

     Step three-check

Unfortunately, I was about carrying out step four when I was caught.I was dragged out of the shop to the roadside and beaten to a pulp.Barely breathing, badly injured,profusely bleeding, I was left to die.
   I was barely able to lift any part of my body and nobody was ready to come to the aid of a thief,so I just lay there.
   Emotionless. I didn't know whether to be happy that the jungle justice done to me didn't result to my death or be sad that I couldn't get, I mean steal food to give my younger brother-Jamal to eat. We haven't tasted anything for two and half days straight. He couldn't go out to source for food because he was confined to a wheel chair since the ghastly motor accident we were involved in six years ago.

     Six years ago. Hmmm. May 6th always brought sadness and pain. May six, six years ago, my parents, my brother and I were in our car, the latest model at that time, leaving for the village to spend the holiday. I had kicked against the idea of going to the village so much that I threw tantrums whenever they mentioned Vi-, talk more village,but my dad won't hear of it. He had promised his elder brother and his family we were coming and he's not the type to break his promise, so there was nothing to do about it.

       The journey was going smoothly until when my dad and Mum were trying to pacify me because I was crying. They kept cracking jokes, puns just to make me laugh to no avail. My dad turned from the steering to look at my teary face so he didn't see the trailer coming from the other side, before he could turn back and manoeuvre the car, we collided with the trailer. Our car flipped four times with the shouts of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Before it came to a stop in a bush. To cut the long story short, my parents died instantly my brother jamal wet into coma while nothing happened to me just a small, tiny little scratch . All because of me,two people that I love lost their lives and another person his legs. Since then, I considered myself a murderer,I mean why did I survive,? Why? Why on Earth did I?I am a murderer. After jamal came out of coma, we couldn't get in touch with any family member. So, since then we had been rummaging and taken to the streets.

       'are you alright?' A voice called out to me snapping me out of my thoughts.
I turned to see brown eyes boring into mine. A tall, dark boy with pink lips was bent over me.
         ' yes, I am'. I said brushing him off and tried to stand by myself I almost fell but he caught me by the waist.

            'I knew you are not alright, please lemme help you,at least to the hospital to get your bleeding to stop.

            ' Thanks but am fine. Leave me alone.'I said cos I didn't have money for food, talk more hospital bill besides he is a stranger that I don't know from Adams.

             ' I know you are being cautious but pls you are bleeding seriously,you need immediate medical attention else you might have an infection.This is not the time to play hard-to-get, let's go!  He said

     ' Look at this thing o, who's playing hard-to-get, I have a brother who might be almost dead from hunger and you are asking me to go to the hospital. I know my body, am fine. Thanks. I replied almost on my two feet but not that balanced.

     ' I'm sorry but health is wealth, let's go to the hospital' he insisted
        'what part of leave-me-alone don't you understand, eh?' I replied visibly angry now as I stood properly on my feet but felt a sharp pain in my leg so I lost balance but before I could talk he caught me again. I tried pushing him away as the blood from my arm was staining his white Polo but he was stronger.

         'leave. Me. Alone. Don't you understand? Leave me! I screamed expecting him to leave me but instead what he did surprised me.
He carried me in bridal style careful enough cos of my injury and began running.

      ' wh-what are you doing? Are you crazy? Put me down! Put me down now! Are you deaf? Where are you taking me to? Eeeeeee, kidnapper o! Somebody help!!!'

        'I am taking you to the hospital, I can't bear to see you injured like this and please, be quiet. I am no kidnapper and even if I were a kidnapper I can't kidnap a person like you cos it will be bad business.'he stated

   All the while he was talking, I just looked in awe. This is the first time since my parents died that someone has showed me care.

       'bad business?, you wish. Look, I understand that I need to go to the hospital but I left my brother alone at home, he's waiting for me to bring his food. So just please let me go. Please'

        'oh! Tell me your address, after I drop you at the hospital I'll go get your brother and give him food. Okay?'

         'you don't worry, I'll go get him myself and go to the hospital afterwards. You may go. Thanks.'

          'give me your address, please' he pleased
  Oh God! How was I supposed to tell this stranger that I lived in an abandoned uncompleted building with My brother. We have been living there for two weeks now since we got kicked out of the restaurant I worked at by my boss. We usually slept at the balcony after the days work but my boss claimed she couldn't allow it anymore as we were inconvinienting her. We begged and begged but it fell on deaf ears. We roamed streets for two days until we finally found this abandoned uncompleted building and have been living there ever since.

       'I said give me your address?' he repeated snapping me out of my thoughts.

        'um, no. I can't, thanks anyway for the concern' I said dropping from his hands. He wanted to speak but kept quiet. He gazed into my eyes as if wanting to read me but I broke eye contact feeling uncomfortable.

           'cough*cough* I'll be going now,um, bye. I said as I turned to leave, I didn't look back cos I could feel his eyes on me. I walked away. Walked away from help.


So that's the first chapter. Please drop your comments, I'd really appreciate it.

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