Chapter 14

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Dean wasn't back the next day. Or the day after that. Or the rest of that year. Or Freshmen year. Dean was gone. Dean has changed. Dean is the new all star quarter back for the school. Dean is the new top dog. Dean is the new bully to Cas.

It's funny, really. That the only one that would stand up to everyone for you, became the person you try to avoid every, single, living second of your life. You know what's even funnier? Cas still has feelings for Dean. After everything he has put Cas through, he still has those stupid fucking feelings for him. And by god Cas knows there is no way of getting over it.

It was a usual day for Cas, get up, eat a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, put on a Sherlock t-shirt (and try not to cry because it's the one Dean got you for your birthday) put on a pair of blue jeans and get out the door.

When Cas was walking onto the school property everybody started to stare and laugh at him, people also started to throw trash at him and that just made Cas run faster inside to his locker, when he got to his locker his shaky hands were trying to get combination right.

46-19-30 , 46-19-30 , 46-19-30

Cas repeated the combination three times in his head but his hands were so shaky that he couldn't get it, suddenly he felt a presence behind him. Don't be him. Don't be him!

"WHAT IS UP MY MAIN BITCH!" Charlie shouted for the whole school to hear, "Charlie sh, don't draw attention please don't," Cas pleaded with her, Charlie has stuck with Cas all through the years. Thick and thin she never disappeared like-like- "Okay sorry," Charlie whispered, the bell then rang and Cas took off running towards his class without giving Charlie a second glance, Charlie didn't care because she understood. Cas needed to stay in the shadows.

Cas was sprinting as fast as he could when he ran into, into? Oh no. Please no, no! Cas looked up to the signature letterman jacket and the figure wearing it in all their glory. Dean fucking Winchester. Cas stared into the forest green eyes before he realized Dean was talking to him.

"Seems like Castiel doesn't have his listening ears on," Dean joked to the other jocks and they all started to laugh.

Now before we get started with how the rest of Cas' day is gonna go maybe I should tell you what started Dean getting physical with Cas, just not in the good way.


It was freshmen year and almost time for Christmas break and Cas was in a very bad mood. He doesn't feel good and he just wants to go home. Everybody has started up with the name calling but they haven't got physical yet. Yet. Dean and Cas haven't talked to each other in a year, it's like they have cut off all ties and don't want to see each other at all. They'll pass in the hallways and smile at each other but no conversations, but now Dean hardly looks at Cas, like he's embarrassed to have Cas breathing next to him or even have his eyes on him. Charlie and Cas were sitting together like usual and Charlie was questioning Cas like crazy, "So have you talked any?" "No." "Would you care if he left and never came back?" "No." "Would you care if he was still dating Lisa and lost his virginity to Lisa?" That was the straw that broke the camels back, "You know what Charlie? NO! I DO NOT FUCKING CARE THAT HE DID! I DO NOT CARE THAT HE DOES NOT EVEN WANT TO AROUND ME ANY MORE!" "Cas stop," "NO! YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I DON'T CARE ABOUT!? I WOULD NOT CARE IF DEAN WINCHESTER FELL OFF A CLIFF AND DIED!" Cas screamed out breathing hardly, everything was quiet. All eyes were in him, it was like he was a movie star that was well known and just walked into a room with a bunch of fangirls, except a lot quieter. It was like he was prey and everyone else was a predator trying to be quiet so they wouldn't scare away their lunch. You could hear a pen drop it was so quiet, and Cas focused on one pair of eyes that were so green that it made Cas want to cry because he has missed them so much but now. Oh but now Cas knows that whenever he looks into those beautiful green eyes all he'll see is anger and hate. Dean's eyes were glaring daggers at Cas and Cas decided to high tail it out of there, he sprinted out of the cafeteria as fast as he could. At the end of the day when he got home he ran to his phone to text Dean for the first time in twelve months.

Cas: Dean I swear I didn't mean it!
Read @ 3:40pm
Cas: Dean please don't, please answer!
Read @ 3:45
Cas: I'm sorry I embarrassed you like that I really am!
Dean: Go to hell Cas, I'm done trying to be nice to you okay? I tried in sixth grade but you were just a pain! God I was such an idiot I needed a friend because I was new and you were the first I saw.
Cas: Then why did you stick around?
Dean: For Charlie, I felt so bad she had to stick around and put up with you when she could have been around much cooler people, but no she had to hang around the little faggot that no one likes, unlike you Charlie is actually cool
Cas: You and Charlie were the only ones who didn't call me that
Dean: Yeah I did just not to your face
Read @ 4:00pm

Cas was crying, he really done it this time.  "DAMNIT! GODDAMNIT! AGH! WHY AM I SUCH A FUCKING SCREW UP! JUST KILL ME PLEASE!" Cas screamed pulling at his hair tears streaming down his face, "NO NO NO! WHY AM I LIKE THIS! W-WHY A-AM I LIKE T-THIS!" Cas screamed some more rocking back and forth on the floor, "Cas? Cas little brother what's wrong!? If you don't answer right now damnit I will break down this door!" Gabriel yelled from outside he heard crying coming from  either his mom or his little sister Anna Cas figured it was his sister because his mom is still at work, he heard the lock being picked but didn't move, Cas just stared at the latest text from his phone, the door bursts open and Gabriel ran over to his little brother, "H-Hey, what's wrong lil'bro?" Gabriel asked bringing Cas into a hug, Cas just lifted up his phone showing it to Gabriel.

Gabe gasped and took the phone away from Cas and brought him into another hug, "G-Gabe? What's wrong?" A familiar voice asked from the doorway asked, it was Sam. Cas looked up and saw Dean's little brother and choked out another broken sob, "Sh, sweetie uhm I'll tell you later just go up to my room and I'll be there in a minute," Gabriel said and Sam nodded leaving the two brothers, alone.

"I-I think I loved him Gabe, I think, I think-" "I know, I know, just be quiet and just sit down on the bed, I'll get you some sweat pants and a t-shirt and I'll have you take a nap because that is what you need just a nap," Gabe whispered and went to the drawer to get Cas some comfy clothes, "and while you take a nap, I will make your favorite sweet treat," Gabe said being the best big brother in the world, "Honey Bee Cake," Cas said trying to smile through the tears, (It is a real thing, looked it up my self) "That's right, when it is done I will make sure you get the biggest and first piece of it all, okay? And then we are not going to school tomorrow because we are just gonna sit home and watch movies and eat more cake, is that okay?" Gabe asked, being the mother that he had to be since Lucifer  and their mom isn't there. Lucifer and Michael are officially a couple and they both share an apartment at a place called "The Cage" surprisingly the name gives you the wrong idea because it is a really nice place.

When Gabe woke Cas up to eat Cas didn't feel any better. He lost his best friend. His protector. His could've been. Who is Cas kidding, Dean would've never seen him that way. "Hey Cas, your food is done, I also made your favorite meal too, then we can eat the cake. It isn't quite done yet." "Thanks Gabe," Cas said and walked downstairs to the kitchen, "Where's, um, where um is Sam?" Cas asked Gabe, "He left a little bit ago. Decided we needed some brother on brother time, also Anna is staying with Jo," Gabe said to Cas, "Wait, you didn't tell anyone about this did you?" Cas asked starting to panic, he didn't need the whole world to know about his problems, "No, I'm not that stupid," Gabe said and laughed. When Cas sat down Gabe served Cas a big plate of Nachos, "Thanks Gabe," Cas said and gobbled it down in what seemed like records time, "Damn, you were hungry!" Gabe exclaimed jokingly, Cas smiled sadly and then the alarm for the cake beeped, "IT IS DONE!" Gabe yelled and ran to the stove, trying to make Cas laugh, but Cas felt broken and he doesn't think anyone will be able to fix it.

Back to present time

"Dean please don't," "Hm, I like it when you it again," Dean growled and grabbed Cas' hair. Cas thought about just giving in so he doesn't get hurt as bad but he can't give them the satisfaction.

"Do it!" Growled Dean again and yanked Cas' head back, Cas glared at Dean, "Fuck you," Cas growled and somehow got out of Dean's grip, next thing Cas knew is that he was sprinting down the hallway into the safety of the classroom. Yeah, just a plain old normal day for Castiel Novak.

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