Alternative ending: The battle

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Last chapter~ so i made this alternative ending since the requestor wanted it, though this one is the original ending planned before i was typing the last chapter and decided to change the ending.

The next day, Atem woke up early to do his daily duty as a prince while Tea woke up early to help with the servants and learn on what they are doing. The councils help the young lady with her learning whenever they are free and Atem occasionally checks on Tea. The whole day went well and night came. After dinner, Queen Aziza and the councils had their meeting on what they will do with the battle tomorrow and where the citizens would be moved temporarily to avoid injuries. Atem on the other hand met with Tea and talked with her about keeping her identity low. The two met on the same balcony where they were talking last night, and observed the moon for a while.

"The night today is calm and soothing isn't it? It's as if there is no war tomorrow" Tea said with a smile as she inhales the air.

Atem smiled, " would be nice if the battle will go well."

"It will, master...I promise you that" Tea said.

Atem looked at her, "for someone who just came out of the lamp and will be facing a sure are calm about this."

Tea laughed, "am I? well maybe it's because I have powers to help me, though...I can't deny I am feeling nervous too. I don't want to see deaths in front of me."

Atem turn his gaze towards the cities, "Me too...but, being in a war it can't be avoided. Tea...tomorrow I want you to cover your body and stay low in using your magic ok? And when things aren't going well on our side, you should just run and escape from the battle."

"Huh? Run? Why, don't you have confidence in me? I told you I promise that you will win this battle..."Tea answered.

"It's not like that! Some unexpected things happen in a war and I don't want to see you die when you are never a part of this in the first place!" Atem shouted facing Tea with a worried expression. " lived in a lamp for a long time, and never experienced freedom. I want you to have that if I die..." the prince added.

Tea was surprised, she then smiled and placed her right hand on Atem's cheek. "I appreciate everything that you and everyone here in the palace had done for me, even for a short time...I learned a lot and was welcomed, it's my turn to give my gratitude Mas--, no Atem. Please let me battle alongside you tomorrow, I assure you I won't die."

The prince took Tea's hand on his cheek, he then squeezed it and looked at Tea with a smile. "Calling me by my name was unexpected, I hope I could hear you say that again after the battle...goodnight Tea, rest well today" Atem said and left.

The next day even before the sun had risen, the councils and Queen Aziza are already on the cities near the kingdom helping the citizens to move away. Atem dressed in his royal clothes was riding his horse and in the front line waiting with his troop for the enemy to arrive. Atem has a sword ready but he was planning to summon his ka for assistance, while Mana stood on the palace meditating and readying herself to release her ka as well. Tea dressed in white long sleeved tube and white genie like pants had her face covered with a see through mask and white veil on her head just like Isis, the young lady was riding Atem's horse sitting just behind Atem. When the sun rose up, thousands of marching soldiers all geared up with different weapons slowly march up on the opposite side of Atem, King Adar who was riding a horse and has a sword with him is leading his troop as well. A few minutes had past and a loud sound came from behind King Adar's troop, some of his men had brought catapults with them which are ready to fire.

"Prince Atem, I quite admire your courage for not backing out on the war. But as a young prince and an only heir to the kingdom...shouldn't you have let your councils fight the war instead of you?" King Adar said with a serious face.

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