The way to TamTong Town

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The region:KaJoHoShUnKaAl
January 5 Morning

I woke up out of my pokeball to see that the pidgy was also out "pidgy(good morning )" pidgy said. I responded saying "Sylveon (good morning to you too.)" I replied

I decided to wake up Jillian so we could start going. I just lightly used tackle on her shoulder and she woke up. She got up then put pidgy back into his pokeball

We had to go to TamTong town to get out first gym badge. Jillian decided we should go to that gym first since it is the dragon gym and i am a fairy type so we would have the type advantage.

On the way we decided to go to Mystic City. The two popular things of this town is a Lapras racing track and world famous pokepuffs.

When we were walking through the town and I wrapped of my ribbons around Jillian arm. On the way some kid who was not old enough to be a trainer started talking to Jillian. "Hi I'm drake, may I pet your Sylveon?" He said.

"I don't see why not" Jillian replied. Drake proceeded to pet me. "Sylveon(that feels good)" I stated. "I think she liked that" Jillian said and then the bot walked away.

Now we were on our way to go get the pokepuffs. We were walking along to the pokepuff place and we thought it was going to be something like a little shack but it was actually a really large building.

The pokepuffs were 30 Pokecoins for 1. Since Jillian's dad is the Pokemon Professor she had Alot of money but she wasn't a jerk so she didn't brag.

When we walked in she got 3 chocolate looking pokepuffs. We left and then went over to a nearby hilltop and had a picnic.

She had a ham and cheese sub and I had some Pokemon food. Even though it just looks like small brown cylinder, it is actually really good. "Sylveon(this is good)"

"Hey Sylveon we should check out the Lapras races." Then us two headed of to go see the Lapras races.

Authors note:
Okay a couple things 1. I put the region at the top so you would be aware. 2 it is a mix of all the other regions.3 the next chapter will be the Lapras race and it will come out either late tonight or late tomorrow. Thanks for reading this chapter and peace.

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