Chapter 8: Homewrecker

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Previously on Unexpectedly Wonderful:

“When you said that I deserved better, better as in who?” He walked closer to me. I stepped backwards until my back hit a railing and there was no where else to go. His hands were on both sides of me, so I was trapped. This was wrong. No matter how much I wanted it to happen, I couldn’t let it. Then why wasn’t I stopping him?As his face started to lean in closer, I also started to lean in. I could feel his breath on the outside of my lips, and my eyes were slowly drooping closed. I was going to give into him.

Alicia’s P.O.V

His lips were a millimeter away from my lips. If I made the slightest movement, I could have accidently kissed him. I couldn’t let this happen. He was still dating Julie. I don’t wanna be a homewrecker. I slowly moved my hands and laid them on his chest. He misinterpreted this motion and began to close his eyes. It took all of my strength, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I pushed him away, and ran back towards the hotel. He called my name as I ran, but I just kept running. I couldn’t let myself become that girl.

The next morning was awkward. I walked into the dining hall for breakfast, and the first person I make eye contact with just happens to be the first person I don’t want to see. The moment our eyes met, I automatically looked away. I sat farthest away from him, which happened to be a seat next to Cam.

“Good morning, beautiful!” Cam started. He put his arm around me and pulled me into a side hug.

“Hey Cam,” I forced a smile, but I could tell that he knew something was wrong.

“Did something happen last night between you and Shawn?” Cam whispered low enough so only I could hear. The rest of the group was still around us, and it was just best that not everyone get involved.

“How did you know I was with him?” I demanded in a whisper.

“Last night Shawn told us he was going to your hotel room to apologize. Then came back all pissy, and refused to talk about it. What happened?” Cam was sincerely worried, so I just had to tell him.

“We almost kissed.” I confessed looking away.

“What?! That’s great!” Cam exclaimed. A couple of people turned around, but eventually went back to whatever they were doing, except for Shawn. Shawn had a different look in his face, but when our eyes met, he quickly turned the other way. That actually stung a little bit. Did he regret it?

“Shut up! You’re too loud!” Almost falling out of his chair.

“Sorry,” He began rubbing his head, “but isn’t that a good thing? You guys are obviously into each other. The only idiots who don’t know are you and Shawn.”

“Hey! I know I like Shawn, but he has Julie, and there is no way I’m going to be a homewrecker, or a mistress, or the other woman. Whatever they call those girls on side these days.” 

“ said ‘almost’ kissed. Why didn’t you guys kiss?” He questioned.

“Well I stopped it before we could.” I admitted, “It was all a mistake. I shouldn’t have gone out with him. It wasn’t just his fault, it was mine too. I guess a part of me just wanted to get as close to him as I possibly could, even if he did have a girlfriend.”

“Wow, getting rejected by the girl you like…” Cam mumbled, “He must feel like shit right now.”

He said that to himself, but I heard it, and I immediately felt the guilt. If he had pushed me away I would have felt the same way, but Shawn had a girl friend. He shouldn’t have been trying to kiss me in the first place. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time for practice. Oh, shit I forgot. I have to go to practice…with Shawn…where I will be singing…with Shawn and stage flirting…with Shawn. Could this day get worse?


*Skipped to Practice*

This practice was terrible. Our vocals were fine, but our perforamcen lacked emotion. The chemistry of the performance was off. It just wasn’t right. Even Bart could see it.

“Guys! What happened to that amazing show from a few days ago?! You guys were magic. You guys as a couple have a fandom! Not a lot of couples get supported by their fans, but you guys have the ability to make your fans love you as a couple! Even if you aren’t really a couple! Now get your acts together!” Bart was very firm, and it kind of scared me. I have never seen him like this, “Now let’s run this again!”

I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend

I walked towards Shawn, but I didn’t know what to do. I tried to touch his shoulder, but when I did he just got stiff.

Lucky to have been where I have been

Shawn tried to brush his hand through my hair but it got stuck in a knot. After he got his hand out of my hair, he backed away from me.

“I’m sorry, Bart. This isn’t gonna work. I can’t be here right now.” Shawn looked me in the eye with a regretful look, and walked out of the room.

“Sorry, Bart. We really tried. We’re kind of in a fight. Or more like a cold war. We aren’t really speaking right now.” I apologized sincerely.

“Okay, I understand, but make sure you work it out by Magcon Los Angeles, because I will not be able to tolerate a bad show.”

I nodded and left the room. I hope we can work this out. Is it weird that I miss him already?


The boys just had to put me on the same bus as Shawn. I’m pretty sure Cam had told them what happened, so I knew this was their doing. Shawn and I tried to avoid each other as much as possible. This bus was HUGE. It had like three rooms. One with couches, one with beds, and the last one had the TV, kitchen, and dining room in one room. The trip to Los Angeles would take about six hours.That meant I was going to spend six straight hours in a bus with Cam, Jack G., Jack J, and…Shawn. Jack, Jack, and Cam were in the other room, while Shawn sat on a couch that was on the opposite end of me. He was looking out the window. The sunlight coming towards the window enhanced the outline of his jawline. As I stared at his lips, I thought back to last night. I thought about how great that kiss might have been, but I wouldn’t let myself feel regret. Once in awhile, he would tear his gaze away from the window, and look back at me. Is this how things were going to be from now on?

Suddenly, his phone rang, and I knew exactly who was calling.

“Hey Julie.” He recomposed himself.

“Yeah…We’ll be in LA…Okay. You too. Bye.” Shawn hung up, pounded his fist against the wall, and walked away. I stood up and began to follow him, but stopped as soon as the door closed in my face. I decided to go to the bedroom, and sleep. I pulled up the blanket, and snuggled myself under. I hugged the pillow, and forced the tears to stay in my eyes. Was it supposed to hurt this much?

*A Couple of Hours Later*

Shawn’s P.O.V

I wanted to sleep this entire situation off, so I went into the bedroom. The first thing I see is Alicia’s arm dangling off the bunk. Her blanket had also fallen off the bed. I walked up to her bed, and observed her. I softly grabbed her arm, and set it back on the bed. There was no sign in her face that showed she even felt me. She must have been a deep sleeper. All of a sudden the bus hit a bump, and I lost my balance and fell on top Ali. She woke up surprised. We looked down, and noticed that my hands had cupped around her chest. OH SHIT.


Author’s Note: Sorry! It was getting too good, that I had to tear it down somehow. Is it weird that I'm getting too attached to my own characters? ugh

I'm not actually sure what a tour bus looks like, but in my head, it looks like an apartment. I'm sorry, I wrote this before actually seeing a picture of a tour bus AHAHAH forgive me!

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